Page 7 of Bound to Him

Sebastian inwardly shook his head. It didn’t matter. Leading with his cock, he approached the bed. “Good boy. Although if you keep up this excellent obedience, I’ll have no cause to discipline you. I’ll have to make up a reason,” he couldn’t help teasing.

Parker’s eyes went wide. “Yes, Master.” Poor boy didn’t know how to respond to that.

Sebastian opened the drawer to his nightstand. “First things first.” He pulled out the cock cage that he’d bought on a whim and hadn’t had a chance to use yet. He held it up. “Do you know what this is?” He didn’t give Parker a chance to answer. “It’s for your cock. It belongs to me now and I get to say when it’s allowed to come out and play.”

He kneeled on the side of the bed and flicked his finger at his slave’s dick before entrapping it. The chastity device was one of the softer, more flexible kinds. It encased the shaft and wrapped around the back of the balls, leaving the tip of the cock open for peeing but ensuring that it couldn’t harden. It was discreet enough that no one would notice it under his clothing. But Sebastian would know it was there, and that was the whole point.

Sebastian sat back. “As your master, I control when and if you come. You’ll find denial its own type of reward.” He chuckled at Parker’s expression. “You don’t believe me now and think it’s just my own perverted game. I’ll prove how wrong you are…eventually.”

He cupped his own shaft. “I really should prep you for the next few days with dildos and butt plugs so that you can take me easily. I’m afraid my self-control is lacking in that department. I’ll do my best to be careful, but I apologize in advance for any pain I cause. Well,” he added because he liked being honest. “Mostly. Sometimes sex hurts and that’s not always a bad thing.” He winked at the boy before grabbing a bottle of lube.

Sebastian took in some deep breaths to calm down because the intensity of his growing excitement needed to be tempered. If he didn’t stay in control, he might truly damage his new bedmate. While there was a bit of the sadist in him, there was also the sense of responsibility. He needed to be careful with this boy, not because the law demanded it, but because his own moral code did.

He sat on the side of the bed and ran a hand up the soft inner thigh of Parker’s nearest leg. “You are exquisite. I love seeing you in my bed. Now, let’s get you turned over.”

Sebastian helped his slave roll onto his stomach, then positioned him so that his ass was up and his bent legs spread as wide as they could be. Without being told, Parker gathered the pillow against his face. The boy quivered when Sebastian ran his hand down his spine to cup one ass cheek.

“God, just the sight of this makes me achingly hard. Has no one ever told you how enticing your ass is?”

“No, Master.” Parker’s voice was low and laced with a combination of what sounded like fear and excitement.

“I’m going to fuck it every chance I get. Do you like the sound of that?”

“Yes, Master.”

Sebastian chuckled. “Oh, you’d say that no matter how you feel simply to please me. I think you mean it, though. I think you’ve wondered for a while what it would feel like to have a cock inside you.” He leaned down to whisper into Parker’s ear. “I’m going to show you now.”

Feeling more aroused than he’d been since his teenage years, Sebastian positioned himself between the boy’s legs and got to work.

Chapter Three

Parker gripped the pillow, trying to push all his tension into his fingers while relaxing the rest of him. It was tough. He was a virgin as he’d sworn to the agency, and so hadn’t taken any cock into his body. He’d seen his master’s dick up close already and the thing hadn’t become any smaller or any less intimidating in the hours since the blow job. Sebatian was a big man and obviously aroused to the point of impatience. No matter what his master had said, Parker expected the breaching of his hole to be brutal and painful. The most he could do for himself was to relax as much as he could and not resist the invasion.

He found it nearly impossible to do, not with the man wedged between his splayed legs and with his big hand grasping one ass cheek. His body had been taken over by someone else, removed from his control. He was helpless to stop what was going to happen. Not that he intended to even try. This was what he’d literally signed up for, and if the price of saving his family was to be this sadistic master’s toy, then he would endure. It might not be so bad anyway. All this talk of discipline might be bluster to increase Sebastian’s pleasure through mind games. And the rings caging his dick weren’t so bad. It was weird to be so constrained, but not painful. He didn’t know if he was going to get hard from whatever Sebastian did to him anyway. The cock cage was decoration, really.

A stinging slap against his ass made him yelp, more from surprise than pain.

His master chuckled. “Your skin pinks up so nicely, dear boy. Very satisfying.”

Parker took in deep breaths to try to calm himself. He could take a spanking. It was no big deal. But Sebastian didn’t hit him again. Instead, he worked a slick finger past Parker’s sphincter. Unlike before, he didn’t stop partway. He pushed it as far as it could go and started thrusting it in and out. It didn’t hurt. Quite the contrary. When it brushed against his prostate, it made him jerk with pleasure. His cock twitched, but of course, was incapable of rising. He knew a moment of frustration, then let it go. This finger-fucking was quite nice, actually.

Just as he was beginning to be lulled by the attention, his master pulled out. He returned with more pressure, two fingers now, side-by-side and they thrust and stretched his channel. The escalation burned, a level of uncomfortable that bordered on pain. He tried to relax his hole, to not resist. It was hard. Instinct had him clenching.

His master rubbed Parker’s lower back with slow circles. “Easy. Relax. Don’t fight me. Much as your tightening would be delightful for my cock, it’s not going to help you to adjust to being mounted.”

Parker did his best to comply. His mind rebelled against the wording of what was going to be done to him. He wasn’t an animal, after all, although he was a thing now. A toy for his master’s pleasure. There was no sentiment in their relationship. There would be no ‘making love’ as he’d hoped his first experience with sex would be. He was a vessel, that was all. There was no point in trying to pretty it up. With his eyes firmly shut, he concentrated on the pleasure his body was experiencing and tried to put aside worry about what was to come.

His master fucked him with his fingers a while longer, scissoring them to open Parker up more. Under the gentle back rub and the rhythm of it all, he was able to relax a little. The sting of the invasion eased. When those fingers were pulled out, however, he couldn’t help tensing over what that meant.

“Easy now.” Sebastian’s voice was low and soothing, but also thick with his obvious need.

This was it, no more efforts to prep him before he was breached fully by his master. Parker swallowed his fear down.

Something large and blunt teased Parker’s hole. “Push out.”

Parker hastened to comply. He knew about this trick. On the inhale of a deep breath, he pushed against the cock as it thrust in. He couldn’t help grimacing and even whimpering at the discomfort bordering on pain that flared through him as his hole was horribly stretched.

It’s too much! I can’t take it. Yet, he did. He had no choice. Sebastian didn’t let up his journey until he was balls-deep inside his ass.