Page 102 of Icy Cold Death

Lucian reassured her.

“Don’t worry. She was with Julian last night, and now she’s heading to Pryce and Connor’s house to hang with the kids. She’s safe.”

Upon hearing that, Hailey relaxed.

Why was she even worried? Her fiancé would never flake on her and do anything to hurt Holly.

This was Bodhi.

He was the best.

Lucian focused on his partner’s wife.

“If this is what you want, I’ll get it, but I’m telling you, Tori, Julian wanted me to warn you to behave since he couldn’t be here. He’s trapped with the sister issue.”

Yeah, she’d figured.

“He’s always so worried I’ll do something bad. I mean, come on. I was held in the clink, and I didn’t do anything. When I do really get arrested, he’ll be less freaked out.”

Lucian stared at her.

“I’m kidding. I’ll call him later. I understand that I have to be on my best behavior. Just get this case for me.”

Well, that he could do.

And he would.

The man shouldn’t have crossed that line.

“We have the list of missing people, and you can thank Julian for that. He got it for you so you could run this here while he’s busy.”

Yeah, she was kissing him later when she saw him.

Tori began working it because even if the captain said no, she was still going to do just that.

She clued them into the plan.

“I have to visit the scene at some point,” she said. “There are three victims in the water that we know of. I need to find who killed them. Keri, the dead woman who I saw standing in the trees, told me she was in the park meeting someone. I’m betting the water ran south, and she floated down river, got caught on some things, and froze there. Then, she floated up to the ice.”

Lucian didn’t doubt that.

With three bodies, and four pissed off women, this was about to be spicy. They could bet on it.

“Buckle up and get it done,” he said. “Ridge and I will make sure everything else is handled.”

That was perfect.

Heading toward the door, he knocked on it, and when he did, the cops came back in.

“Are you ready to talk?” the homicide captain asked.

Oh, well, they weren’t backing down. This was only going to have one option.


“Here’s the negotiation, Captain. It’s our only offer that we are putting on the table. You’ve insulted these women to a point they are not willing to back down. If you decline this negotiation, the lawsuit continues, and I go to the press with the mishandling of innocent people’s rights. You know how much heat cops are taking right now.”

Oh, he did.