Page 324 of Icy Cold Death

Already he felt stronger.

He placed his hand on the man’s thigh and connected them.

“I’m glad we have this.”

Ridge was curious.

He could feel the energy coming off of the man, and he had one important question left.

“Did you mean what you said about wanting to go into the static daily with me?”

They were at a stoplight.

Leaning over, Lucian kissed him, and the energy sizzled around them, making the hair on their arms stand, and their bodies react.

Yes, Ridge. I want to be in your body, fucking you in the static. You complete me on that plane. I will always want you. You can bet on that. When we’re apart, there’s a pull to get back to you. Our souls can only stay apart for so long before it will be painful.

Ridge stopped worrying. Instead, he slipped his fingers into Lucian’s hair and kissed him back.

And I like being bound to a bed for you. This is our souls connecting. I’m not ashamed or scared. I’m happy I have this with you. You’re my best friend next to Wynter. I can make time for daily meditation sessions, even if we’re off. Or I can buy the house next door to yours.

That intrigued Lucian to the point he made the decision.

Please move next door. The closer, the better. It will help me function better on this plane.

Then, it was done.

I’ll buy it on Monday. I want our girls to grow up together. I want our wives to have girls’ nights and for you and I to find a place to meditate and go back there to reconnect. I can’t live without you, Lucian. I’m bonded to you for eternity. My soul can’t leave yours. We’re a psychic pair.

He was aware.

And honestly, Lucian wasn’t disappointed in that.

Slowly, he broke the kiss, and as the light turned green, he was honest.

“I’ll love you forever, Ridge.”

The man held his hand.

“And I’ll love you.”

Lucian felt a million times better. It appeared they were going to be able to have both aspects of their lives. The last thing he wanted was to lose Bishop.

As they drove toward the airport and pickup location, there was peace in the vehicle.

“I do have one regret,” Lucian admitted.

Ridge looked over.


“I wish we could have napped longer. That walk into the static was brutal. I feel like I’m dragging ass.”

Ridge laughed.

“Yeah, and I liked it that way. Bring on the brutal. I can’t wait to see how creative you can be, since it is your mind.”

Lucian glanced over, and when Ridge saw what he was thinking, he blinked.