“Yes, we all know how my name sounds,” Forest stated. “I was teased about it relentlessly as a kid.”
“He leaned into it,” I told Jordan. “For Halloween one year, he dressed as a tree with a puffy rain cloud above his head.”
“Until it rained, and it ended up a mess on my head and face.”
Hartley laughed. “The blue dye ran down your cheeks.”
“Fun times.”
“Anyway,” I said. “Forest, this is the man Hart and I have fallen madly in love with, Jordan Altair Sr.”
Jordan extended his free hand. “It’s nice to meet you, but if you hurt either of them, I won’t be responsible for my actions.”
“Really?” I asked.
“The point needed to be made.”
“Uh huh.” I shouldn’t have been surprised. Jordan would protect us, regardless of who he considered a threat.
Forest shook Jordan’s hand. “I get it. You love them. I do too. Although it will take some getting used to, plus that they’re in a relationship with you, a known criminal.”
Jordan cocked an eyebrow. “While I let Hart and Vail say whatever they please, this is a reminder that you’re in our house. I will not be disrespected here.”
“I’m not afraid of you.”
Jordan squeezed Forest’s hand harder and leaned in. “You should be.”
“Okay, enough.” I pried Forest’s hand from Jordan’s. For all his too thin frame, Forest didn’t back down. “Why don’t I go into the kitchen and make us breakfast? I’m starving.” Pointing out the obvious about Forest’s weight wouldn’t do any good. It was better to offer him food and hope he ate.
“Yes, please,” Hartley said. He wasn’t shy about appreciating my cooking. “For, where are you staying while you’re here?”
“There’s a hotel over on Lincoln I got a room at.” I knew what place he was referring to. It wasn’t the best, but it also could have been worse.
Hartley turned to peer up at Jordan with sad eyes.
Jordan sighed. “I’ll have one of my guys get your shit. You can stay here.”
“What makes you think I want to?” Forest crossed his arms.
“Seriously?” Hartley asked. “You’ve been here for less than an hour, see how nice it is, and you’re giving up a free room?”
“It would be an apartment on a lower floor,” Jordan stated. “It’s fully furnished.”
Hartley pointed at Jordan. “See? Why would you want to stay at a hotel when you can be here with your brother and best friend?”
“And a criminal?”
“Jesus, Forest, get over it. I have. Vail has.”
“Raiden?” Jordan asked. “Get me a keycard for an available apartment on six and let Barry know Forest will be staying.”
“Yes, sir.”
With that settled, I turned toward the kitchen, grasping Forest’s forearm to take him with me. If not, Jordan would find other ways to threaten him into compliance.
Forest leaned against the island. “Tell me what happened with Gil.”
It was easier talking to him, pouring out the memories I hated revisiting, while I kept my hands busy. Hartley could have filled his brother in, but it didn’t feel right. Forest deserved to hear it from me. For years, I didn’t tell him what happened, and while I didn’t go in depth like I did when Lana was here, I said what Gil did to me. It wasn’t more than Jordan knew. If I ever exposed my soul like that again, it would be to him. Hartley had already heard my first-hand account.