My eyes blinked open slowly, the room coming into focus. “For?”
“I’m here.”
“For.” I untangled from Jordan and launched myself at Forest, tackling him backward until I was lying on top of him, my arms around him, holding him without crushing him. Forest was always smaller than me. Leaner, not as muscled. It seemed he was even slighter than I remembered. It wasn’t surprising after Hartley telling me how Forest handled their grandfather’s death.
Forest embraced me back. “I’ve got you, V. Whatever it is, I’m here.”
Eventually, I calmed and removed myself from Forest, who had his back to the marble floor. With my weight on him, that couldn’t have been comfortable. Forest sat up, his clothes a bit big on him. His light brown hair, that didn’t have the wave Hartley’s did, hung down almost to his chin, partially covering one eye. He brushed it out of the way. Brown eyes met mine, ones with dark circles beneath them.
Reaching up, I traced my thumb under his eye. A lot of people thought I wanted Forest after I came out. But I never saw him as anyone other than my best friend. A boy who didn’t judge me and fiercely stood by my side when others didn’t.
“You look like shit,” I told him.
He chuckled. “Yeah, well. This wasn’t the reunion I had in mind.”
“I’m sorry about that. There’s a lot you don’t know, and what just happened brought me back.”
“Tell me.”
Jordan stood and reached his hand out for mine. “Why don’t you sit in the living room where it’s more comfortable? Hart and I will give you space.”
“Who said I would?” Hartley asked. He crowded against me when I stood, his hand going to the back of my neck to bring my forehead to his. “I’m sorry. I didn’t think. I should have. I didn’t mean to upset you.”
“It’s okay. You were angry. I was the one who was transported into the past.”
“Don’t leave me, Vail.” His words were a plea wrapped in fear.
I put my hands on his hips to anchor him in place. “I’m not going anywhere. I just didn’t expect it, okay?”
“It’s no excuse for what I did.” He turned to his brother without breaking our contact. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have hit you.”
“Yeah, you should have,” Forest replied. “You should have fucking punched me. It was the least I deserved.”
“I knew better.” Hartley faced me again. “I knew better,” he repeated softer that time.
“Hart, I love you. It’s okay.”
He nodded and gave me a sweet kiss. “I won’t do it again. And I’d never touch you like I did Forest. I actually don’t think I’ve ever hit anyone like that before.”
“Yes, you have,” Forest interrupted. “Don’t you remember your freshman year of high school when Ryan, the class asshole, called you a name in front of the entire school during an assembly? You fucking slapped him in front of everyone. Pop had to go down to the school and talk with the principal. Too bad I didn’t get to see it.”
“I was suspended for two days.”
“Shit, I forgot about that. Okay, so twice in my life I’ve hit someone.”
I chuckled, grateful to be out of the memory of my painful past.
“I love you too,” he told me.
“I know.” This time, I kissed him.
“Enough of that,” Forest said. “God, I knew you were together, but seeing it is fucking weird.”
Hartley rolled his eyes, pulling back. “Get used to it. We’re not going anywhere. This is how we are now. In love and not a bit sorry for it.”
Jordan ushered us into the living room, but before sitting, I took his hand in mine and tugged him toward Forest. “We didn’t have a formal introduction. Jordan, this is my best friend and Hart’s brother, Forest Weathers.”