Words fell from my lips while I cracked eggs, stirred pancake batter, and sliced fresh fruit. I hadn’t realized Forest was closer until he hugged me from behind, his cheek to my back.
“I’m so sorry, V. If I had known?—”
“I didn’t want anyone to, but the cops, and they didn’t do shit for me until the end.”
“I would have been here.”
I grasped his hand on my stomach. “I know.”
“I’m glad you got away from him. They love you so much. It’s obvious.”
“I love them too.”
Forest moved to lean against the counter by the stove so we could continue talking while I cooked. “How’s Cat?” She was much better territory.
I filled Forest in on everything Cat and Dana, as well as their kids. I’d have to take him to see her. Cat didn’t know Forest planned on moving here. Why tell her when I wasn’t certain if he’d follow through with it?
I was glad Irene had the morning off so I could cook. I’d love to do it more often but understood she had been with Jordan for a long time. At least if I couldn’t take over all our meals, I could prepare them for the other people in the building.
The four of us took seats at the table when breakfast was done. Jordan’s phone rang repeatedly. He’d answer, keep it brief, and focus on us again. He’d have to leave when we were done. Hartley would too. And I had work to do in my new space downstairs.
As I glanced at Forest, happy in conversation with his brother, I was glad he was here. I missed him something fierce. It was obvious Hartley did too.
My sister practically bounced. You’d think she was being let into some super-secret society where they showered her with money and everything her heart desired. Instead, we were at the front door of Ashford’s Steakhouse where Ruined & Relinquished was playing tonight. The regular patrons weren’t aware, but Jordan got the inside scoop and relayed it to me so I could tell Cat.
When Cat saw Hartley tonight in the parking lot when we arrived, I thought she wasn’t going to stop hugging him. She loved him and was still excited we were together. Hartley was like family growing up and now he became so again for me, but differently. Forest decided not to come with us tonight, so I was going to have to take him to see Cat another time. I thought he was still a bit unsure about Jordan, not that I blamed him.
Cat held Hartley’s hand in hers, not minding that her husband stood on her other side. Dana knew Cat loved him. She was affectionate with the people in her life. She almost hugged Jordan and probably would have if he didn’t look at her like she had three heads when she approached him with open arms. Instead, she dove for Oleander because she had unofficially adopted him into our family.
“Altair, party of nine?” the hostess said as she opened the door. It was a Sunday night, but there was still a line. Romeo had told us when the band was in town the place was packed on the off chance the patrons would see them play.
Romeo and Tristan were already inside. Jordan made certain they weren’t connected to him, though Tristan did work with Hartley in his studio sometimes. Romeo and Tristan would be seated near us though. Jordan mentioned Romeo had severe anxiety and crowds weren’t his thing, but being around people who cared about him helped. It also would ease his mind a little that we were in the restaurant’s front near the stage. Romeo could put his back to the wall while also having Tristan and Jordan near.
The hostess was an Ashford and didn’t know the connection between Jordan and Romeo. She was part of the family, along with two of the band members, who owned the steakhouse and farm it was on. My sister and Dana didn’t know Romeo’s connection to Jordan either. If Tristan talked to us, they’d assume it was due to him working with Hartley. If Jordan could keep his relationships with them quiet, he did. It kept them safer.
“Right this way,” the hostess said and led us through the packed dining room.
We walked around tables full of people. She sat us next to Romeo and Tristan as planned. My guess was one of the band members had asked her to do so. I kept my back to them to look like we weren’t with them in any way. This was a win-win for as close as we could get to a night out with all of us. Jordan had us in his line of sight, Romeo and Tristan too.
Behind us sat Oleander, Rory, Reghan, and Raiden, a formidable wall at Jordan’s back. Caius lingered at the bar, trying not to be obvious, but he was massive and couldn’t blend in worth a damn. His job was to keep an eye on Romeo and Tristan.
Cat nudged Hartley out of the way and took a chair directly in front of the stage.
“Jesus, Cat,” Hartley muttered.
“Don’t fuck with me, Hartley,” she said with more fire than she meant. “I need to feel Dash’s sweat on me.”
“That’s my wife, everybody,” Dana said, “lusting after another man.”
Cat turned to him. “I don’t know what you’re complaining about. If all goes well and I get to meet Dash, maybe even hug him, you’re the one who will reap the rewards.”
“Plus, Dash is in a very committed relationship,” Hartley reminded them.
“Whatever.” Cat waved him off.