Page 27 of Corrupted

I moved to stand beside him.

Sure enough, a dark-haired woman around my age was riding a man who bore a striking resemblance to Damon. Her head was back, eyes closed, her hair long enough to brush her ass. Her breasts bounced with every roll of her hips.

"That's Enzo," Damon said.

They didn't realise we were there until he spoke. Angelina let out a squeak and threw her hands over her breasts.

Enzo turned to stare at us, squinting in confusion and disbelief.

I gave him the same look. "I've never seen him before."



Damon turned slowly to stare at me. "You've never?—"

"I've never seen him before," I repeated. "Whoever Hammer is, it's not him."

"That's a matter of opinion." Enzo placed his hands behind his head and grinned at us, completely shameless. "I've been called very similar. Damon, what the fuck are you doing here?"

Angelina slid off him and onto the floor on the opposite side of the bed to scoop up a shirt and pull it over her head. Enzo's shirt, by the look of it. It fell to her knees, the sleeves down to her elbows.

"What the hell?" she demanded. She placed her fists on her ample hips and glared at us. She was a younger version of her mother. Dark hair, dark eyes and a pissed off expression on her face.

Damon ignored them for a moment. "You're absolutely certain? Think back carefully. You were drugged at the time."

I frowned and thought, but ultimately shook my head. "It's definitely not him."

For one thing, Hammer was blonde and Enzo had dark hair, like his brother. Hammer had a slim build and Enzo was muscular. Even if he'd dyed his hair and bulked up, Enzo looked nothing like Hammer. Even his face shape was different. His voice wasn't one of the ones that haunted my nightmares.

Thank fuck, because I really hadn't wanted to kill Damon’s brother.

Damon closed his eyes in relief and turned back to the pair, arms crossed over his chest as he lounged against the door frame. "Do you want to put that away?" He nodded at Enzo's still erect cock, which was in full view.

"Nope," Enzo said easily. "How about you fuck off so we can finish what we started?"

"Nope," Damon repeated. "If we can find you, then Carlos can. He wants you killed for some reason." He nodded toward Angelina.

She groaned in frustration. "How many times do I have to tell my brother to fuck off? I am not marrying Salvador! I am not marrying any man my brother chooses for me. Especially Salvador. I'd rather marry Hades."

Enzo glanced over at her. "Hey!"

She rolled her eyes at him. "I don't want to marry Hades either, fuckwit. I'm just saying he's better than Salvador." She shook her head at his apparent obtuseness.

"Everyone is better than Salvador," Gianni said, although he clearly had no idea who Salvador was.

Neither did I, but I could make some assumptions. Anyone who wanted to buy a woman, or marry her against her will, was immediately on my shit list. Even after a handful of minutes, I knew it would take a certain type of man to fulfil her needs. Someone with balls of steel.

Angelina turned to Gianni and raised her hands. "Right? Tell my asshole brother that. And tell him I'm not coming back. He and my mother can go right to hell. I'm staying with Enzo." She nodded like that settled the matter, once and for all, although she must have known it wouldn't make the situation go away. Nothing about her suggested she was naïve, just frustrated and determined to get her way.

Enzo finally rose from the bed and moved to stand beside her. His cock had finally softened enough to hang heavy between his thighs. "Exactly. Angie and I are getting married and there's not a fucking thing Carlos can do about it."

"He can have you killed, fuckwit," Damon said. "Do you really think someone like Carlos is going to let her go that easily? Because he won't. He'll keep coming after you until you're dead."

Enzo lifted his chin. "Then we'll go somewhere no one can find us."

"Like here?" Damon gestured around with one hand, without unfolding his arms. "It wasn't that difficult to find you."