Page 26 of Corrupted

The house where the girl died. I tried not to think about her blood seeping into my clothes. Her eyes, staring at me…

Two stories, brick painted cream, black windows and a roof that slanted across the top of the structure. The look was too modern for my taste. Judging by the look on his face, it was too modern for Reuben's taste too.

"Who owns this place?" I asked.

Damon was on his phone, searching for exactly that information. "Not us, or the cartel. Or the brotherhood, as far as I can tell. It seems to be privately owned. Someone by the name of Karrie Levine." He shrugged.

"Hopefully we won't get too much blood on Ms Levine's house," Gianni remarked. "Although, if you rent houses to dubious people, you get dubious things happening."

"Gianni and Mina, you go around the back," Reuben said. "Damon and I will check out the front."

"On it, boss," Gianni said. He grabbed my hand and we slipped over to a side gate that led to the back of the house.

"How inconsiderate of them to lock it," Gianni remarked.

"How considerate of them to have such a simple lock." I pulled out my lock picking tools and had it open in about ten seconds flat.

"I've always said locks only keep honest people out." He grinned and pushed the gate open.

"Considering we could have climbed over it, yeah," I agreed. We might have been seen by the neighbours, so that would have been a last resort. Why risk what could be done with a turn of my hand?

We walked slowly across paved ground, past raised gardens with the kind of plants that didn't need any attention. The kind that were planted for decoration, not because the owner enjoyed getting their hands dirty.

Terry would have hated the place.

We walked past windows with curtains drawn over them, to the back door. Beside it, a keypad was attached to the wall, a light flashing at the top.

"I've been looking forward to this," Gianni whispered.

From my pocket, I drew out my device and placed it beside the keypad to turn off the security. The screen turned on, numbers tumbling over numbers, letters over letters until they hit on the combination and the light turned dark.

"That was fucking awesome," Gianni whispered. "I want one."

"If I can find out how to get one, I'll give you one for Christmas," I assured him.

"Fucking yes, please." He tried the door, but it was locked. With an elaborate gesture, he stepped aside for me to pick that too. "No wonder you could get in anywhere. Is there anything that could keep you out?"

"Not that I know of," I said. "But no job ever included a moat and crocodiles. Yet."

He laughed softly. "If anyone could get past those, it would be you."

I didn't know about that, but the vote of confidence didn't hurt my ego.

I eased the door open and listened carefully.


Unless there was someone else in the house, Angelina and Enzo wouldn't hear us coming. By the sound of it, they were too busy coming themselves.

My hand in Gianni's, we moved slowly through the darkened house, towards the source of the sound.

I caught a hint of movement at the front of the house. Reuben and Damon must have entered when I turned off the security system. I estimated that the pair were between the four of us. With that in mind, I slowed slightly.

Let Damon find his brother first.

I caught a glimpse of them moving down the corridor towards us, illuminated in the light that came from a single room. It shone across the floor, glowing on pale hardwood.

Damon stepped into the doorway and stopped.