Considering how easy it was, both of them should be more worried than they were. What must it be like to be so carefree and sure of yourself? It would be nice until it got them both killed. Or worse.
"My mother told you I was here, didn't she?" Angelina's eyes snapped with anger.
"Yes, and if she told us, then who knows who else she's told," Damon said. "There could be people right behind us." He jerked his thumb towards the road.
"We should get out of here," Angelina said. She started to gather up her clothes.
Enzo didn't move. He nodded towards me. "Who's she? Why was she supposed to know me? Who the fuck is Hammer?"
He didn't look worried, but he also looked as though he wouldn't move until he got some answers. In that, he reminded me of his brother. They also had the same firm jaw and blue eyes, the same fierce independence. No wonder they clashed, they were a lot alike.
"Mina DiMarco," I replied. "We were given the wrong information. We were told you were someone else. We came to kill him." I saw no reason to pull punches. People like this heard worse on an hourly basis, they wouldn't flinch.
"You're not going to kill him?" Angelina stopped, still crouched behind the bed.
I would have bet anything she had a gun. She'd use it, depending on what I said next. Assuming she could aim before I embedded a blade between her eyes. Which was unlikely, so I replied calmly and honestly.
"Not unless you gave us a reason to, then no. I think we can help you instead."
"With a threesome?" Enzo's gaze grazed up and down my body. "Sounds good to me."
Angelina threw a shoe at his head. It bounced off his cheek and fell back to the floor.
She swore at him in Spanish while he chuckled.
He spread his hands and shrugged. "Sorry, baby, another time maybe."
Reuben shot daggers at him with his eyes. For a moment I thought he may order one of us to kill Enzo after all.
I put a hand on his bicep to remind him I wouldn't have taken up the offer, and Enzo was joking around. I doubted Angelina would share anyway, even if I was interested.
"We can help by getting you out of here," Damon said. "We'll take you back to the house and sort something out from there. You'll be safe from Carlos, and Angelina's mother."
Enzo clenched his jaw. For a moment I thought he'd refuse. He glanced at Angelina who nodded.
He exhaled and nodded. "Fine. We'll go with you. For now. Only for Angie's sake. I know what Salvador would do to her if he got his hands on her. He's a fucking slug."
"He's a fucking slug who'd get me pregnant and keep me that way," she said bitterly. "Then fuck around with whoever he could get his dick into."
"He sounds charming," Gianni said sarcastically.
I murmured my agreement. It sounded to me like Carlos was trying to kill the wrong man. "Maybe we should let them get dressed." I stepped away from the doorway.
"I don't mind who sees me naked," Enzo said pleasantly. "But if you keep looking at my woman, I'm going to have to shoot your eyes out."
As if any of my men were leering at her in any way. I knew all of them better than to even glance at them to check. They weren't interested in another woman. They wouldn't stare at one.
"Bro, none of us wants to see you naked," Gianni said. "No offence or anything."
Enzo grinned. "None taken, bro." He turned around and bent over, baring his ass to all of us.
I grimaced and stepped into the darker part of the corridor so I couldn't see him anymore.
"This all begs more questions than it answers," Reuben said. He slipped an arm around me.
"It does," I agreed. "Why did Martina think Enzo was Hammer? And if she knew he wasn't, why tell us he was?"
"Where is the real Hammer?" he added to the list of questions.