She handed himthe medical report and croaked. “It was confirmed that the bruisingis less than twelve hours old. I also have images from just afterthe attack and when I woke up this morning.”
He nodded.“Come with me, and I will get your statement.”
Kekoa and Alohistepped forward. Agerton looked at them.
“Who arethey?”
“This is Kekoa.He was the alpha who took Mark down and got him to let me go. Thatis his omega, Alohi.”
He frowned. “Hedidn’t mention there were witnesses. Please, come to theboardroom.”
Haravin focusedon slumping and looking weak. She also broadcast injury andinnocence.
They wereseated, and Agerton and another detective began to take notes asthey asked for her story and questioned her.
She told themwhen she had checked in and when the knocking began. Everythingright up until she knocked on Kekoa’s door.
“Miss Dillard,why did you go to Kekoa?”
“Um, nothing iscertain yet, but I am being considered for the position as theirbeta. I went to the hotel in general because Mark called me andwanted me to meet him at my house tomorrow, which is today. He’s aweaselly bastard from my past who gave his own omega chlamydia andsterilized him. Now he wants me to carry their child becauseTimmins doesn’t trust anyone else, but I don’t want any part ofthose two inside me.” She shuddered and started crying. Shesqueaked, “Why won’t they just leave me alone?”
The otherinvestigator said, “He informed us you were an ex-lover.”
“Never. Checkthat medical report. I haven’t had sex with anyone. It’s never beensomething that I went in for.”
Alohi nodded.“We have time to ease her into our way of life, but her ex-dancepartner has suddenly decided to take her back, and she doesn’t wantto go. So, we are not going to let him have her. If he wants afight, he will take his life into his own hands.”
Agerton smiled.“Omega is proud of his alpha. Cute.”
Haravin pinchedthe bridge of her nose and croaked. “Kekoa grabbed a rut-crazedalpha with one hand and held him on the floor then convinced him tolet me go. I was being strangled the whole time.” She stretched herneck. “His nails cut in here and here.”
They tookphotos, and she looked at them and said, “Have you guys run intoalphas who are pushers?”
The men paused,and Agerton asked, “What do you know about that?”
“Mark is one.He pushed anyone who got in his way. I am resistant to it, but Isee it everywhere he has been. The security guards forgot that hehad even been there when I was on the next elevator down at tenafter three.” She sighed. “The lobby was going about things as ifpolice and an alpha out of control hadn’t just been there.” Sheshrugged. “You may want to access the cloud backups before someoneoverwrites them.”
The detectivenodded, and he tapped something into his phone. “I am just makingnotes for the warrant.”
Agerton smiled.“Miss, where can we reach you today?”
“My phone? Markhad a tracker that he attached to my shirt, but I left that in thegarbage.”
Kekoa pulledher blouse out and handed it to the officer. “I retrieved it.”
They looked atthe shirt in the plastic bag and stared. There was a smear of blooddown the side of the neck and a clear handprint on the breast ofthe blouse.
Agerton lookedat him and cleared his throat. “Sir, can you hold your hand next tothe print?”
Kekoa smiledand held his hand next to the print. His hand was stillconsiderably larger than the print Mark had left behind.
The guy nodded,and the detective took another picture.
Agerton sighed.“Well, in light of this, we will advise the hotel that they don’thave grounds to sue for damages.”
Kekoa scowled.“They wouldn’t dare. She called for help. Twice.”