Page 21 of Lost Treasure

“Once. Thesecond time, they called me with a noise complaint when he wasbeating his way through the door.”

Agerton nodded.“Right. How did you keep such a precise timeline?”

“I have dealtwith Mark before. Facts that can be backed up with phone recordsand security footage are all that works, and he knows it.” She puther hands on the table. “Are we done? I am really not feelingwell.”

“Uh, yes. Canwe call with any additional questions?”

“Sure. Maybeeventually you can answer why you let a man who was trying tostrangle me to death wander free while blaming me for the wreck hemade of the door.” She pushed herself up and muttered, “So,attempted murder, attempted kidnapping, disturbing the peace, andvandalism. One of those has to stick.”

She clutchedher purse and walked slowly out of the room. She projected what shefelt. Pain, dejection, sorrow, loneliness, she let it all sweepthrough the police station in waves. Heads were turning toward her,and she showed the discomfort in her body as she moved. Doors wereopened for her, and her elbow was supported whenever she passedsomeone.

When she gotout the door, she shuddered, and Alohi walked next to her. Kekoawas at her back. “So, since I am done now, and I only got the hotelfor one night, I guess I will hear back from you when the testresults are in.”

Alohi touchedher hand, and she looked down at his hand against hers.

Her phone rang,and she moved slowly, answering it. “Mark. Fuck off and die.” Shepushed speaker and listened to the roaring and screaming on theline.

When he calmedslightly, she said, “I would never be your surrogate. Pregnantbetas with alpha partners need support from those partners. We allknow that that isn’t what would happen. Hi, Tim.”

A more moderatetone said, “Hey, Harvey. Why won’t you help?”

“I am not dyingfor you, Tim. Your child isn’t worth my life. Also, no way in hellwould I let anything that belonged to Mark inside me.”

“It was so longago, can’t you just forgive? We were best friends.”

“Uh-huh. Whathave I been up to since then?”

“Oh, um.”

“Yes. That’sit. A friend would be mildly interested in my life after both mybest buddies fuck off on me.”

“I am sorryabout that.”

“Huh. First Ihave heard that. Better late than never. Well, bye.”

“Wait! Marksays it has to be you. He doesn’t trust anyone else. He thinks theywill sleep around while pregnant.”

“Right. Becausesurrogates are generally betas with alphas and families. In thatcase, the alpha takes care of their beta, no matter whose child sheis carrying.”

Tim paused.“Really?”

“Really. Now,imagine what it would do to me to be pregnant without a touch, akind word, or someone to rub my shoulders or swollen feet becauseyou know fucking well he would never take care of anyone but you. Iwouldn’t make it through the pregnancy.”

Tim startedcrying with a hiccup in his voice. “We just want ababy.”

“Then gothrough a fertility clinic to get one. Leave me alone.”

“Yes,Harvey. I am sorry that we bothered you.”

“I am verysorry, too. Let this be the last time I hear from you.” She hungup.

She shuddered.“And that caps it. The only thing left on my bingo card is gettinghit by a car or having a plumbing leak in my apartment.”

Haravin put herphone in her purse. She wiped her tears and exhaled slowly. Hergroin felt hot and bruised, and she was hungry. “I am heading hometo sit in a tub full of ice. Oh, maybe I could wake up without akidney.”

She turned tothe alpha looming behind her. “Well, I will hear from you later, orI won’t.” She was at a loss and said, “Thanks for the ride and thewitnessing and the escort, I guess.”

“You areparting ways with us?” He raised his brows.