Kekoa nodded,and he and the doctor left when she gathered her samples. She saidsomething about the lab and results in the next twenty-four hours,but Haravin was trying to figure out how to get into her purse.
She eased offthe bed and winced when she peeled the stuck paper from the back ofher thighs. Alohi silently moved to get some wet paper towels andcleaned her up with the warm strokes that removed the blood.
He spokesoftly. “We didn’t know.”
“I toldyou.”
He froze. “Youdid. Kekoa didn’t believe you.”
“I knowthat.”
“You are verypretty.”
“I really amnot. Or I wasn’t. Now I am just me.” She got her pad out of herpurse and attached it to her underwear.
Alohi cleanedher up with fresh towels, and he held one against her. “It’s nearlystopped.”
“Yeah, until Istart walking. Then it is going to continue as I move for a day ortwo.” She started getting dressed.
“You knew.”
“Yup. I alsoknew that the smallest unit she could find would still be oversizedfor me. You go long enough, and even a finger doesn’t fit.”
“Oh, that mightbe a problem. Kekoa is a little sudden with his attentions.”
She shiveredand stepped into her shoes. “Then, he will either have to slowdown, or it will be a battle of the metal monsters. Or he couldjust consider me a missed match and move on with his life. He hasyou; he’s the king of a fricking set of islands; he doesn’t need apetrified virgin whose only claim to fame is turning into astatue.”
“I don’t thinkso. I know he doesn’t show much, but he really likes you. Hethought it was funny the way you put Ford in his place and calledOlivia to task.” He helped arrange her hair. “He also thinks it’scute the way you deal with me.”
“I just have tosit still and let you cuddle on me. It doesn’t take a lot ofeffort.”
He smiled. “Alot of folks don’t have patience for omegas. We are very needycreatures.”
Shestraightened her shoulders when she wanted to curl into a ball. Herneck ached, and her sex was shrieking in pain. She walked to thedoor, and Alohi opened it for her.
Haravin lookedat Kekoa and the doctor. They had been in deep conversation. “Nextstop, the police station because this day doesn’t suck quiteenough.”
Alohi grippedher wrist. “You are waiting for us.”
“I am guessingthat your ex is a pusher. He convinces people that he is reasonableand correct.”
“That soundslike the weight on my thoughts. Right, so up against that. When weget to the police station, don’t freak out.” Alohi was walking withher.
“Why would Ifreak out?”
“I am about tolook all weak and helpless and project it. It might bedisconcerting. I am going to cry and sniffle and make a scene.”
Kekoa spokeslowly. “I look forward to seeing this.”
They made theirway down to the main floor. They got into the limo, and she curledby herself up against the wall. The next agonizing appointment wasjust ahead.
Chapter Four
Walking into thestation, she felt like a whipped dog. Haravin quietly spoke whileshe talked to the desk sargent, asking for the man fromearlier.
The man steppedout and smiled. “Miss Dillard? I am Sargent Agerton. Oh, god. Yourneck. Was that... was that done last night?”