Page 102 of Kingdom of Wolves

“Flint was talking to me the last time he was in town, andsaid he felt that there needs to be more council members so more areas will becovered. That’s why he’s finding good shifters to sit on the council. After themess with Holah and Anika, he is even more determined to have the councilunited.”

“When are they coming to do the ceremony, do you know?” I’vebeen waiting for Flint to inform me, but as yet I do not know, maybe I can getthe information from the mayor.

“Next week, as far as I know,” Mayor Stringbold stands andsqueezes my shoulder before walking to the table where the food is beingplaced. Turning back to me as he reaches the table. “The Alpha’s from the fourpacks will attend too. I wasn’t sure if you knew that?”

“Okay, thank you,” I respond, and I didn’t know, but I’m happyI do now because Lyle will be here and Alpha Blueblood. Two better Allies Icouldn’t have. Alpha Aurora I’m still not confident about, and Alpha Connell Ihope won’t cause a problem, but if he does, then I’ll face it head-on.

The morning of the pack ceremony has arrived, and I’m happyto have Maisy-Bell at the farmhouse, as she is so positive that you can’t helpbut feel optimistic about everything. Brod is waiting for me at the councilgarden, where the ceremony will take place. Poppa and Momma arrived yesterdaywith Flint and the other council members. They all stayed at thebed-and-breakfast in town, which is run by two humans who are happily mated tonone other than the builders who have the plans for Maisy-Bell’s cottage.

Walking into the garden of the town council with Brod on oneside of me and Maisy-Bell on the other, I’m met with Lyle, who surges to me,picking me up and hugging me tightly.

“Oh, it’s great to see you, Tati. Are you ready to become anAlpha of your own pack?” Lyle asks, grinning.

“Not really, I still would much rather be a Luna and leavethe other to my mate. If I ever find him, that is.” I grin, but that grin slipsfrom my face when the smell of whisky and leather hits me.

“Tati, are you okay?” Lyle asks as he spins around to seewhat has me searching the area with my eyes. My eyes round and stop when I seea tall man, short hair and well-built striding towards me with an intense lookon his face.

As he nears, I recognize him as Gabriel Goldman, the Beta’sson from the Blackshadow Pack. When he reaches me, he takes a huge lungful ofmy scent before smiling and murmuring, ‘Mate’.

Ebony is dancing around in my head, chanting, ‘mate’,‘mate’, ‘mate’.

“I, Gabriel Goldman of the Blackshadow Pack, reject…”

I close my eyes as I don’t want to watch as he rejects meand, hearing Lyle growling and snarling on the verge of shifting, my heartdrops.

“Look at me, Tatiana Winterstorm,” Gabriel asks, and Iinvoluntarily open my eyes, looking into his green ones. “I, Gabriel Goldman ofthe Blackshadow Pack, reject Alpha Connell and Blackshadow Pack as my pack.”

My eyes are so round that I must look like a startled owl,and when I hear Gabriel murmur, ‘mate’. I smile shyly and whisper, ‘mate’.That’s all it takes for Gabriel to grab hold of me, taking me by surprise andslamming his lips onto mine.

It’s quite a while before we both come to our senses andEbony is encouraging me to bite Gabriel and make him ours. But I don’t want todo that in front of everyone else, and I can tell Gabriel doesn’t either.

Alpha Connell storms over with Beta Goldman behind him, butunlike the Alpha, Beta Goldman is smiling at Gabriel, before turning to me andstating for all to hear. “Daughter, mate of my son.” Taking me out of Gabriel’sarms and hugging me tightly.

Alpha Connell is giving me an angry look, but Gabriel stepsbetween us snarling. “Don’t look at my mate like that or you’ll feel everyounce of training I’ve ever had. I don’t care if you can take me down. I carethat you treat my mate with respect.”

Flint walks over to us and has a huge smile on his face.“So, Gabriel, you are Tatiana’s mate, and you know you have Alpha blood, but tomate with Tatiana will make you the Alpha of the new pack, and Tatiana will bethe Luna.”

The words sink in and I laugh because, for me, this isperfect. Through my laughter, I stutter. “Oh…that…is…just great…”

Gabriel is looking at me questioningly, and I continuelaughing. “I never wanted to be an Alpha, but was happy to be a Luna. Now I canbe.”

Taking hold of my hand, Gabriel draws me to him, kissing meonce more, then turning to Flint. “Whatever the Goddess has planned is what Iwill do. I waited for my mate and I’m more than happy that it is Tatiana. Notbecause of the pack, but because I have always admired her strength, honesty,and loving nature. It was the pack who was at fault because of Alpha Torrance.It was never Tatiana’s doing.”

Alpha Connell hasn’t had an opportunity to speak, and when Iturn to him, he looks me in the eye and I can see he is not the mean person heused to be.

“I’m sorry I came across as angry just now. I was shockedthat my future Beta was not even going to be in my pack. The cut-off when heleft my pack shocked me and my wolf. But I know what you went through and I’msorry for what my father and I did to you. I hope we can be good neighbors andbe allies in the future.” Alpha Connell dips his head slightly, showingrespect, and I look at Gabriel, who seems calmer.

“I’m sure we can be good neighbors. Let’s leave the pastwhere it belongs.” We all walk over to the center of the garden and the shiftercouncil converges, deciding what and how they are going to deal with the fact Ihave found my mate.

Gabriel is holding me to him tightly, as though I’lldisappear in a moment. I look up and the intensity on his face has my stomachclench and my head spins. Seeing the effect he is having on me, Gabriel grinsbefore dipping his head and kissing me again.

Alpha Aurora and Alpha Blueblood walk over to us, giving usa little space when Gabriel’s wolf Phoenix growls. Ebony is dancing about andwiggling her butt for all she’s worth. ‘You’re a minx, Ebony,’ I state, and shegives me her wolfy grin before responding.

Oh yes, I’ll make sure Phoenix is led a merry dance, andhe’ll have to show me how strong he is. I’ll mate with him as soon as I’vefinished flirting with him.

Shaking my head at her as I find her amusing, I can seePhoenix flashing in Gabriel’s eyes. They both have green eyes, but you can seethe extra shine when Phoenix is present.

Alpha Aurora grabs my attention. “I would like to apologizefor what happened in the pack, Tatiana. I have dealt with the problem, and Ihope you will not hold it against the pack in the future.”