“No, I would never do that, Alpha Aurora. I respect yourposition, but you have to know how upset I was.”
“Yes, I do, and I understand why.”
Alpha Blueblood holds his hand out to Gabriel.“Congratulations Gabriel. You have yourself a beautiful mate, inside and out.You’ll create a great pack here, I’m sure. Nobody with any sense could doanything but love Tatiana. My Luna adores Tatiana and would love to keep thefriendship we have already. We’ll make good allies.”
Gabriel nods. “We need allies, and we are happy to alignwith you. But first, we have to form the pack and get past all the officialshifter council formalities.”
The next hour is manic. Both Gabriel and I agree to mate andgive a blood oath to that fact. The pack is created from the town and theWolfsfoot Pack is born. Gabriel becomes the Alpha of the pack, and I become theLuna. The pack is mind linked to Gabriel first, and it nearly takes him to hisknees, but he stays standing tall, showing just a small sway.
When I’m linked with the pack, it’s done slower and gentler,allowing a few members to join with me at a time. It’s a warm feeling, knowingall these shifters have supported me from my arrival and are now my packmembers. I will do anything to help them, and anything to keep them safe.
Alpha Blueblood, Alpha Aurora, Alpha Connell, and Alpha Lyleall witness the birth of the pack. All giving a blood oath that it is thetown's will that a pack be created.
The party, once all the official ceremony is dealt with, haspack members laughing, dancing, eating and coming over to hug me, and givingGabriel distance when he growls each time someone touches me.
I know Phoenix is rising as Gabriel’s eyes are glowing moreand more as time passes. Brod, Momma Akela and Poppa Lykos give me a last hugbefore I grin at Gabriel, shift into Ebony and take off, leaving the party behindas we chase for the farm and forest.
Ebony is ducking, diving and running wildly. Enjoying theteasing, and I know Phoenix is allowing her to do this, allowing her free reinfor this time.
The ceremony is done, and nothing could have prepared me forfinding my mate, who is Tatiana Winterstorm. Well, she will be Tatiana Goldmansoon, and I couldn’t be happier.
I remember how she was treated, and how strong she was. Thereason I gave her the money when she ran, I just knew she would survive andflourish. Something inside me was telling me to help her.
There was a pull towards her, but as she didn’t have herwolf, we wouldn’t have picked up her scent. We were not close enough to get toher when she was under the staircase Gabe, so nothing was telling us she wasours.
‘I know Phoenix, but we could have had her with us the lasttwo years, protecting her and helping her grow.’
Looking at Tati, who is speaking with Brod, her bestie andbrother, that is what he told me. I could sense the fierce protective instincthe had toward her. It’s good to know people have embraced her, and that she nowhas people that love and care about her.
Flint walks over to me, but I keep my eyes on Tatiana. Shetold me to call her Tati, but I don’t always think of her as that, so it willtake time to get used to that shortened version of her name.
“Well, Gabriel, who would have known that you would haveformed a pack, and found your mate on the same day?” Flint chuckles, slappingme on the shoulder.
“It is a little scary, if I’m being honest. But I’ll dowhatever it takes to make sure Tatiana is safe and loved. I know enough aboutrunning a pack with being the Beta’s son, but I’m thankful the town councilagreed to remain as advisors.”
“Tatiana has had all the training to run a pack too, so leanon her for advice. She is a competent Luna and one that I’m sure is going to bea credit to you as Alpha and for the pack.” Flint is now watching Tatiana, whois flitting from one of the visiting Alpha’s to another. “See what I meanGabriel, she does it naturally. She is warm, welcoming, but also strong andwill do whatever is needed. Have you seen her fight?”
“No, I have seen nothing as yet. I’ve only just seen her forthe first time since she left the Blackshadow Pack two years ago. How I wishI’d realized who she was then. We could have been together all this time.”
“I don’t think she was ready for a mate, Gabriel. She wastoo scared and had no trust. It’s thanks to Lykos and Akela that she wasn’tliving on the street, being a rogue in no-man’s-land, too. They took her in asa daughter and have loved her fiercely. Although they are upset, she feels theydeserted her. But Gabriel, she has grown massively and Brod has been good forher, in fact, they have been good for each other. You know you’ll never get ridof him. He’ll be her bestie and brother always.”
Grinning as I am watching Brod staying close to Tatianawithout her realizing he is doing it. He’s going to be one heck of a goodwarrior for the pack given time, and with more training, he could become thepack's chief trainer or Beta.
“I’m getting us both out of here. I need time with my mate.We’ll go to the farmhouse later, as I want to let Phoenix run with Ebony. ButI’ll be having meetings with the advisors and the pack tomorrow.”
“Okay, I’ll be leaving with the shifter council tonight, butif you need me, you know you can call me anytime. Any of the council will behappy to advise.” Flint nods at Tatiana, who is looking at me with a rosy glowon her cheeks.
Not waiting for any more interruptions, I stalk over toTatiana, pick her up bridal style and quickly walk towards the forest. Leavingeveryone behind, I look down at Tatiana, who has her arms around my neck andlooking adorable.
“Where are we going?” Tatiana asks, and I kiss the tip ofher nose before responding.
“We are going to let Phoenix and Ebony run together. He’sclawing my insides something fierce and if he doesn’t get to be with his matesoon, he’ll just burst out and then we will be in trouble.”