“I’d like to come over and spend some time with you if thatwould be alright. I’ve found some photographs I think you would like of yourparents and grandparents. But I’m thinking of moving packs, and once you haveyours established, join your pack. If you’d be okay with me doing that?”
Now, to say I’m surprised would be an understatement. I’mastonished because she has a lovely home, and I know the pack loves her.
“Why would you want to do that, Maisy-Bell?”
“First, because I’d like to know you more than I do already.Your mother was a friend, and I’d like to support you in her name. Second, I’mfed up here. I want to get involved in something important, and what is moreimportant than helping you create a new pack.”
“You can come here anytime you want Maisy-Bell. I can have aroom ready for you when you get here if you let me know when you’ll arrive.”
“Okay, well, as you will have your pack ceremony, I’d liketo come and support you with that. Let me know and I’ll come right over, and ifyou have room on the farm, I’ll build a little cottage, as I like my space.”
“Oh, there is plenty of room on the farm, and I can show youa nice place to build it between the farm and town, and with a small pondbehind.” I can imagine a cottage with a small garden and a pond behind it.
“I’ll start packing up my place here. I don’t want to bringeverything, so it can stay here until my cottage is ready. But is it okay tolive with you at the farm until then?” Maisy-Bell sounds a little worried, butto me, the more the merrier.
“I have a room you can stay in. It was Poppa and Momma’s,but it’s a nice size for you to have. It has a little sitting area, so if youwant peace you can slip to your room and relax.”
“Oh, that sounds nice.”
The back door opens and Brod rushes into the kitchen, comingto a stop when he sees me on a call. I squint as he’s looking filthy. What theheck has he been doing?
“I have to go Maisy-Bell, but let me know when you arearriving, and I’ll speak to the council about building the cottage.”
“Okay, thank you, dear. I’ll speak to you soon.”
“What’s going on?” I ask Brod as soon as I put the phone onthe counter.
“The fence was down and the chickens got out. That roosteris running around, attacking everything. Running from that, I fell into thatpatch where you keep it wet for the pigs.”
“You better get washed up and I’ll go look.”
“Oh no, I’m going to get that rooster back in the pen if itkills me, but I need Ebony to come and herd it in while I fasten the gate. Or Ineed Arrow to herd and you close the gate.”
“You herd and we’ll close the gate.” I can’t help but grinwhen I realize that the filth on Brod is mud, and he had to have nearlyface-planted to be covered as he is.
For the next twenty minutes, Arrow chases the rooster aroundthe yard, and I’m watching in amusement. Summer and Adam appear and lean on thefence of the enclosure, grinning at the antics. This rooster is fierce, he’snot that worried about Arrow, and every chance he gets he attacks, trying touse his claws and beak.
Adam’s wolf Griffin charges toward the rooster and helpsdistract it enough for Brod to shift and grab him. Holding him well out infront of him, he throws him forward into the enclosure with the chickens, thathave arrived to see what is happening. I slam the gate closed and tie it off.
The chickens cannot fly, but that rooster is going to be onpatrol around and in the enclosure for days after this, I’m sure. I thinktomorrow we may just throw some feed over the fence rather than risk goinginside.
Brod runs over to the farmhouse to get showered and cleanclothes, but I can’t help giggle at the state of him. Summer walks over andlaughs with me. “He’s always been one to get into everything that he shouldn’t,and anything that causes him to get grubby.”
“Well, he sure stinks, and he’s going to take somescrubbing.” Grinning at Summer, who throws her head back, laughing.
The rest of the day runs smoothly, and when Summer and Adamleave Brod stays with me. Drake hasn’t appeared again, so Brod and I decided totrain tonight, going through a routine that we’ve done many times with Drake.
My birthday arrives and with it, a call from Flint informingme the money from the inheritance has been placed safely with the town council,and the bank in Wolfsfoot will send me an appointment to open an account.
Brod arrives with his parents, and half the town. Bringingwith them food, drink, and music. The farm is quickly turned into a party, withthe BBQ set up and the aroma of meat cooking has my stomach dancing in hunger.
Some of the town folk have instruments and have musicblasting. Dancing and laughter fill the farm and it’s so warming to my heart.It is a good omen how the town will pull together as a recognized pack.
The mayor walks over and sits next to me, where I’ve beenwatching people dance. I give him a bright smile. “This is good fun, isn’t it?”
“It’s how a pack bonds, and that’s what we are forming here,Tatiana, a pack. Are you ready to do this?”
Turning to give the mayor my full attention. “Yes, but knowI will keep the town council, but you’ll be known as advisors, and don’t thinkI won’t be using you for advice. I would rather have been a Luna if truth betold. But I think the town deserves to be a pack. Many have suffered and cometo our part of the world to find safety, and make new lives for themselves. Weall know there are still a lot of horrible packs, and although the shiftercouncil works to stop atrocities, they will never stop it all.”