No running free. Ebony states, and I give her a smilein my mind.
‘Yes, you will. I’ll make sure you have plenty of time runningwith Phoenix.’
I want my mate, run lots, mate, have pups.
‘No, we are not having pups yet. We have a lot of work to dofor the pack before we have pups.’
The meeting with the advisors covers all the building beingdone, how the businesses are holding up with the changeover from town to pack,and the issue with rogue attacks. It appears there has been more happeningagainst all the packs, apart from the Eclipse Pack, as they are the furthestaway from no-man’s-land.
That’s when I remember the female catching my attention.Frowning, as I’m sure I know who it is, but it is on the edge of my mind, notwanting to come forward. Rubbing a finger over my forehead, I visualize what Isaw… Damn; I remember who it was.
“When we were attacked, and I told you I saw a female, Ithought I knew but couldn’t recollect. I’ve just remembered who it was.”Looking at Gabe who raises a questioning eyebrow. “It was Fragina. She wasbanished from the town, and she became a rogue in no-man’s-land. I think she’sinvolved in all this. She hated me from the moment I entered town. I don’t knowwhy, but she was vile.”
Agnes replies. “She was jealous you are an Alpha female. Shewas always a nasty she-wolf, even when young. The trouble with that was shebecame dangerous and was willing to do anything she could to get what shewanted. The town were all aware of her, and how dangerous she was becoming toothers, she would have been banished eventually even if you had not come to thetown.”
“I saw her run towards a male. The one I think was leadingthem.” Gabe murmurs, rubbing a thumb across his bottom lip while he’s deep inthought.
“We may need to speak to the other packs, find out who theyhave banished and what level of danger they are to us as a whole. Then we cantake it to the shifter council.” Gregor adds.
“Speaking of other packs, Beta Carter has had contact from ayoung she-wolf in the Blackshadow Pack. She is Iona’s sister and has beenlooking for her mate. She wants to join our pack, as she doesn’t want to betold to take a chosen mate. I don’t think Alpha Connell will do that, but afterthe mess up with talking about breeders, the females in the pack are verynervous.” Gabe looks from one to another of us. “Would anyone have an issuewith Iona’s sister joining the pack?”
I shake my head as I remember her vaguely. She was a quietfemale, kept to herself and caused no problems. “I don’t have a problem withher joining. Anya was a nice she-wolf. I don’t think she’ll cause us anyissues.”
“Okay, I’ll contact and speak to Alpha Connell about hertransfer to the pack. If he isn’t happy then she’ll have to reject the pack andAlpha Connell first. Just as Beta Carter had to in the end.” Gabe chuckles.“That didn’t go down well, as we all know. But I can see the stress has fallenfrom my father and although he’s living in the cramped house share, he looksmuch better than the last few years. He told me he’s going to look for a smallproperty he can purchase or rent where he can have time alone.”
“He’s a good man, who was pushed to do, and agree to thingshe didn’t want, but he’ll recover in time. He’s a good Beta for the pack, andhe’s a good father-in-law.” I add, then smile as I keep playing tricks on him,but he’s not sure if he should play them back or keep quiet. It’s amusing towatch at the moment.
“Beta Carter was here this morning,” Wallace grins. “He wasmuttering about frogs in his bed, but I did not know what he was talkingabout?”
I can’t help the laugh that bursts out of me, and Gabe givesme a look before he realizes what I’ve been up to again. Grinning, he shakeshis head before laughing out loud, too.
Tati’s birthday party was a huge success. The pack turned out to feast anddance. I can’t believe how things have changed, and to have a mate by my sidewho is the best Luna you could ask for, has my chest puffing out. I knew I hadAlpha blood running through my veins, but being an Alpha never crossed my mind,as I’d always thought I’d follow my father and be the Beta of the BlackshadowPack.
How things have changed! My father is now my second Beta. Ihave a pack I’m responsible for, and am looked up to by the pups I visitregularly at the nursery. Something I take seriously as I want to lead byexample for the new generation of pack members.
The months have rolled past since I registered the town as apack, and we have new properties constructed throughout the territory. Drakehas a cabin set back from the farm and town, but near enough he can get to thetraining center or packhouse if needed. He has mellowed quite a lot since hemated Carolina. It seems that some of her bright and cheery nature has rubbedoff on him, and that although he isn’t exactly bubbling over with good cheer,he is certainly much happier in himself.
Phoenix gives a gruff, wolfy chuckle in the back of my mind.Oh, he has definitely improved since he mated. Did you notice he smiled atMaisy-Bell last week?
‘No, but it doesn’t surprise me.’ Replying to Phoenix beforebeing mind-linked by Tati.
‘Flint and the shifter council just turned up. Come to thepackhouse please.’ Before I can respond I feel the link break, and shaking myhead I make my way from the advisor's office to the packhouse.
Mate, mate, mate. I hear Phoenix chanting in the backof my mind and I can’t help but roll my eyes at him.
Reaching the packhouse, I walk into the office where theshifter council is all seated and drinking coffee and eating an assortment ofsandwiches.
“What can I do for you all?” I ask as I walk to my seat atthe head of the conference table.
Lykos grins before turning to wink at Tatiana, which has hersurprised. I can’t help but smile at the flustered look she has at the moment.
“We are here to celebrate the new packhouse, training hall,and the changes you have made already to the pack. You have new constructionworkers and warriors. Even that little devil Broderick is a warrior patrollingthe border, now that he is seventeen.” Flint chuckles when mentioning Brod’sname. “Things have changed a lot in not only what was Wolfsfoot Town, but for theBlackshadow Pack, too. Alpha Connell is trying very hard to right wrongs and bethe Alpha the pack needs. Alpha Lyle is having the most trouble with the roguesas he is nearest to no-man’s-land, but Alpha Aurora is also getting more breaksthrough her pack border from the rogues.”
“Do you need something from the Wolfsfoot Pack?” I ask,because I’m not sure where this conversation is heading.