Looping my arm through Maisy-Bell’s, we head down to hercottage, which can be seen from the farmhouse, and I grin when I see Brod andhis parents waving for us to hurry. Looking at Maisy-Bell, I smile. “You have awelcoming party.”
I can’t help the laugh that escapes when Maisy-Bell scowls,but it’s obviously fake because her eyes are sparkling with delight.
“Let’s get this over with, then.” Stepping a little faster.
“I’m pleased you’ll not be far from the farm, or the packhousewhen it’s built. I didn’t want to be so close to town, but I realize it’sneeded because of the training building, too. Do you think it still feels likea town?” Frowning as I ask, because some days I still see it as a town, and nota pack. Although it will always be classed as a town on the main road throughthe territory because of all the shops lining it.
“No, I see it as the main street. But I suppose as it wasWolfsfoot town for so long it will always have some kind of sway. The packmembers I’ve spoken to see it as town as in, going to town to shop, not as townbefore the pack.”
Nodding as I understand what she is trying to say, and I’mpleased to hear it because that’s how I view it. Brod rushes over before I canrespond and throws his arms around my neck, kissing the top of my head. Nowwhen the heck did he grow tall enough to do that without jumping up?
“It’s a lovely cottage, Maisy-Bell. You’ll like it, I’msure. Thomas Stringbold had your furniture sent over and we’ve set it out foryou, but if you don’t like it, we can move it around for you.” Brod grins,showing all his teeth, which has my giggle burst out.
Maisy-Bell gives one of her scowls and walks away, leavingBrod and me in fits of giggles. “Come on, bestie, let’s see what’s going tohappen.” Pulling on Brod’s arm.
Walking into the cottage, I smile when the large windowsallow a lot of light into the rooms. It is exactly as Maisy-Bell described and,looking around, I think they did a great job of placing the furniture. The onlyaddition from the original plans is a patio door to the back garden where youcan step outside and walk around the new flower borders, which will need someserious planting, to the pond.
Maisy-Bell sniffs and I turn to her, shocked to see her eyesare glassed over. “Are you alright?”
Throwing her hands out to shoo me away, “I’m fine, I justhad a fly in my eye.”
“Of course, you did.” Brod laughs and when Maisy-Bell giveshim the stink eye, he laughs even louder.
Summer and Adam, Brod’s parents, give him a look, but nowhe’s older, he’s taking little notice of them. “Is everything alright? Do youwant us to move any furniture?” Adam asks Maisy-Bell.
“No, it’s all perfect. Thank you so much.”
We spend another hour looking at each room, walking thesmall garden and discussing what to do with the flower borders. I can senseBrod getting restless, so I ask to excuse us and ask Summer and Adam to comeback to the farmhouse, as I want to speak with them.
Walking back to the farmhouse with Brod acting the fool, hismomma keeps giving him looks that I would have withered under, but he keepschuckling at. It hits me that I never had the opportunity to have this with myparents and never would. My eyes tear a little, but I swallow it down and countthe blessings that I have Gabe, and many others that I can now call family.
Entering the kitchen, Summer quickly places the kettle onthe stove and I take a seat at the kitchen bench, looking at Adam who is givingBrod stern looks before turning to me and lifting a questioning eyebrow. “Whatis it you want to speak to us about, Luna?”
Being called Luna always takes my breath away and hopefullysometime soon I’ll get used to the sound and the feeling it evokes. Calmingmyself, I smile. “The packhouse is planned and will start being built nextweek. The new unmated pack members are squashed into the bed-and-breakfast, butthey are starting the training hall where there will be bedrooms for those thatneed them.”
“Okay, the new members will be together if they are unmated.I think that’s a good choice, at least until we know how trustworthy they are.But what does that have to do with us?” Adam asks, leaning forward with hiselbows on the table.
“Well, I want to move into town for now at least, where bothGabe and I will be more available. What I’m thinking, or rather hoping, is thatyou and Summer will move into the farm, take over it’s running as a manager.I’m not sure what Poppa Lykos wants to do about the farm long term, as I’ve notspoken to him about it as yet. I know that I won’t have the time to continuedoing all the chores I’m doing at the moment.” I can see the shock on Adam’sface, and Summer hands me a hot drink before taking a seat herself.
Brod claps his hands, gaining everyone’s attention. “I thinkit’s a great idea. Pops, you and momma are running the farm anyway, but havingto go home every day. I’m living here for five days of the week and it would befar easier if we all lived here. If Tati needs to be in town, she can live inour house and we just swap. What's the problem?”
“It wouldn’t be forever because we’d move into the packhouseonce it’s finished. The top floor will be the Alpha apartment, where we’ll beeasily accessible but can close the door when we need to.” I quickly add to theconversation.
“I think that’s reasonable, Adam.” Summer says, leaning intoher mate and giving him a smile. “We are living here most of the time, justgoing home to sleep. It would be better if we were here all the time. When Brodis of age next year, if he wants to move into the house, he can, especially ifhe finds his mate.”
Brod shoots towards the door, giving Summer a filthy look.“You keep them comments to yourself. Don’t you be jinxing me. I don’t want amate for a long time. I need to grow up, become the warrior I’m meant to be beforeI meet my mate. Then I can look after her and love her as I should.”
Storming out the door and slamming it behind him, I giggleas I look at Summer. “Well, you sure got him out of here quickly.”
Laughing along with me, Summer replies. “I hope his mate hasplenty of patience and can calm him down. Goodness knows where he got all hisenergy from because it isn’t from us.”
Adam gives Summer a look that says, ‘Speak for yourself’,which of course has us both giggling again.
“What do you think? Shall we swap living arrangements?”
Summer nods. “Yes, I think it’s a good idea. We can do it inthe next few days. Bring what we need here, then you can take what you need to.It’ll be the easiest way of doing it.”
After lunch, I meet up with Gabe at the advisor's office. Iupdate him on the move to town, which he likes the idea of, but like myself,will miss the farm and the freedom it gives.