“Not at this time. But Alpha Blueblood is sending warriorsto assist both the Blood Pearl Pack and the Spirit Walker Pack. He is the onlypack at the moment not encountering problems from rogues, but he is thefurthest away. Hence, he feels he can assist where he can. He asked forvolunteers rather than ordered warriors to help the other packs.” Porter adds.
I look from one shifter council member to another, and thenew council members' faces are looking back at me with blankness. I’m not surewhat they want, so I ask again. “What is it you want from the Wolfsfoot Pack,and stop messing with me, either get to it or get out. I’m not playing gameswith any of you. Lykos, I expected better from you, as you are Tatiana’s Poppa.Don’t come here winking and creating unease.”
Tati steps behind me and places a hand on my shoulder,giving me support and as I look up at her, I notice she is giving Lykos anangry look before turning it to the others.
Merry speaks. “We are only here to celebrate as Flint said.Lykos is messing with you Tatiana and I’ll be speaking to him and Akela later.I’m sure Akela will have something to say to him. As for Porter explaining whatis happening with the rogues, I’m going to take that a little further. Wethink, but are not sure, that no-man’s-land has created a type of pack. Not atrue pack, of course, but they have a leader. We captured a rogue and hecouldn’t tell us much, even under torture. What we were informed was a maleshifter has taken a female as a chosen mate. They are both pretty rotten to thecore, but the rogues are so scared of them they are allowing them to dictatewhat they have to do to survive.” Merry taps her fingers on the conferencetable before continuing. “Seems that this leader has slaughtered quite a fewrogues to get the rest to be compliant. There is a war coming, Alpha Gabriel.Be alert, observe the border between you, no-man’s-land, and Spirit WalkerPack. Remember, if Alpha Lyle gets over-run, you are next in line along withAlpha Connell’s and Alpha Aurora’s.”
I feel Tati’s fingers digging into my shoulder, and I reachup and place my hand over hers, giving her the support she always gives to me.Looking from Merry back to Flint, I speak again. “We are not as large a pack asthe others, but we will maintain our borders. We will also step into ourneighbors' packs to assist if needed, as they did for us a few months prior.I’ll speak to the other Alpha’s and lend our support.”
Merry nods, then looks at Roman Walker, Alpha Lyle’s father,another new shifter council member. I can see the relief cross his face and Itruly understand the worry for his son and his pack.
“Is there anything else you need to discuss?” Taking hold ofTati’s fingers on my shoulder, which have now relaxed somewhat.
“No, we are here to celebrate. Beta Thomas showed us torooms for the night at the packhouse, and we’ll be gone late tomorrow as wehave meetings with other areas to deal with.” Flint adds before they all standand give me a nod before leaving the office.
Lykos walks over to us and takes Tati into his arms, huggingher close, and kissing the top of her head. I give him a look that tells him notto upset her and I leave them in the office while I head to the warrior'soffice and check the rotation for the two borders that align withno-man’s-land.
Standing in front of the cork board affixed to the wall, Istudy the rotation and see a gap of four hours leaving the border along theSpirit Walker Pack and no-man’s-land unprotected. The other thing I notice isBrod is on rotation along that border, more than he should be. Mind-linkingBeta Thomas, I tell him to come to the office.
When Beta Thomas walks into the office, I point to therotation. “Why is Brod doing more than his share along the Spirit WalkerBorder? We need to increase the number of warriors along this border,” pointingto the map on the opposite wall, “and this border.” Showing the Blood PearlPack.
“I didn’t realize Brod was doing more than he should, I willlook into that, and make sure he isn’t covering for others that don’t want towork on that border. He’s the youngest of our warriors and although he is agood fighter, he doesn’t have the experience yet. I’m not happy to put him intothe thick of anything unless it is really necessary." Beta Thomas isstudying the rotation and the map as he replies.
I update him on the information given to me by the shiftercouncil, and when Beta Carter walks into the office, he is also quickly broughtup to date with everything I’ve been told.
“I’ll also watch that Brod isn’t on the border alongsideBlood Pearl or Spirit Walker Packs more than his share. In fact, with him beinga new border warrior, he should patrol alongside the Blackshadow and EclipsePack's borders to get his experience.” Beta Carter adds and steps to the map,giving it a close study.
Pointing at the rotation, I ask. “You know there is a gap inthe cover, and the border has a four-hour window where it isn’t covered?”
Beta Thomas gasps. “Where?”
“Along here.” I point out the rotation and then the mapwhere the border will not be covered.
“I’ll get that fixed now.” Beta Thomas snaps, but to himselffor the slip, rather than to my questioning it.
‘Come on, Gabe, it’s time to get back to me so we can checkeverything is right on queue for the party.’ I grin when Tati mind links withme, then turn to my Betas.
“Got to go. Your Luna is shouting for me.”
I hustle to the Alpha apartment on the top floor of thepackhouse and find Tati at the dining table, which is covered with bits ofpaper.
“What on earth are you doing?”
Tati looks up and laughs. “Well, I’ve no idea if I’m beingtruthful.”
“You know you don’t have to do any of this because the packhas delegated everything. The music, food and drink are covered. All we need todo is turn up and enjoy the celebration.” I wrap my arms around her from behindwhere she’s still sitting at the table. Kissing the top of her head, I hear hersigh. “Come on, what else have you got here?”
“The nursery has two females that would like to volunteer. Itold Carolina to deal with those. Poppa Lykos wants to give us the farm so wealways have somewhere to live, even if we stand down as Alpha and Luna. He toldme they are both happy where they are and will stay, even if he resigns fromthe shifter council. But he wants them to come home to have holidays with us,although they are not taking part in the pack anymore.”
Knocking on the door has us both turn to look when I shout‘come in’, but the shock of seeing Alpha Lyle has Tati squeal, jump up from herseat and run over, throwing her arms around his waist.
“What are you doing here?” Tati laughs, looking up at Lyle.
“Well, I couldn’t not come and celebrate with you forbecoming a Luna, now could I?” Lyle gives Tati another hug, then holds his handout for me to shake. “Alpha Gabriel. It’s good to see you again.”
“It’s good to see you, but you need to stop hugging my mateor I’ll have Phoenix bursting out to tackle you.” Saying in a half serioustone, which has some of Phoenix’s growl added.
We spend a couple of hours talking and discussing what ishappening with the rogues and how difficult it has been for his warriors. Itseems something is brewing and we, as packs and neighbors, need to assist eachother, but mainly the two closest packs.