Carolina has spoken to me about opening a nursery for thepups, and I think it’s an ideal solution, as some of the young mothers havetold me they struggle to continue working when the pups arrive. Their matesdon’t want them to work, but because it was a town and not a pack, they neededthe extra income to live a comfortable lifestyle.
Between us, we created a plan of how the nursery should be,and added plenty of notes for the advisors and Gabe to look at. It’s a venturethat the males will struggle to see the value of, but I’ll make sure Gabe seesit and understands why we need this in the pack.
Maisy-Bell has plans drawn already for her cottage, and Ilove what she has drawn. A kitchen with breakfast nook at the back, overlookingthe pond and the farm beyond. A utility where the washing machine, dryer andcabinets are placed on one side and on the other a freezer, sink unit and tallcabinet for cleaning items like brooms. There is a nice sized living room,bedroom and bathroom, all she could need because she said she doesn’t want adozen rooms to clean.
This morning I walked the area with Maisy-Bell, and sheloved the pond and the open fields around her. The barn isn’t too far away fromwhere her cottage will be located, but it’s far enough away that it won’t beimpeding her lifestyle.
Walking out of the farmhouse kitchen now, I noticeMaisy-Bell sitting on the bench near the herb garden and Carolina is on herknees weeding. Well, she’s pulling up what Maisy-Bell is directing her to pull.
Taking a seat next to Maisy-Bell, I inhale the fresh smellof mint, which has perfumed the air as Carolina is moving it around to pull theweeds out. I love the smell of mint and it reminds me of when I first came tothe farm, and Momma Akela was making a jar of mint and onion relish. That was agood afternoon and the memory will last a lifetime. We had laughed and talkedand had become friends before we eventually became mother and daughter.
“How long are you two going to be? Because we have to be atthe council offices in an hour for the pack meeting.” Looking at Maisy-Bell toCarolina and back again.
“I’ve nearly finished. It wasn’t bad Tati, I just wanted tohelp you where I could, but I wasn’t sure what were weeds as I’ve never been agardener.” Carolina looks over her shoulder at me rather sheepishly.
Giggling, I stand and turn back to the kitchen. “Hurry andclean up. We need to get you both made up to official pack members. Then I canput you to good use.”
The shocked look on their faces has me laughing out loud,and I scurry back into the kitchen, rushing up the stairs and into my bedroomto get ready myself.
Walking into the council offices an hour later withMaisy-Bell on one side of me and Carolina on the other, I look around for Gabe.Seeing him speaking with Drake, and the advisors, I hurry over and throw myarms around his waist, looking up with a bright smile on my face.
‘Sorry, I shouldn’t have thrown myself at you like that’,I mind link to say and I have a pink flush on my cheeks as I’ve embarrassedmyself in front of everyone.
Gabe responds, ‘Hey, you can throw yourself at me anytime.I don’t care who is with me.’ Leaning down Gabe kisses me, not caringwho is in the room watching our show of affection.
“Come on, you two, let’s get this meeting over with. I wantto get my cottage started. I don’t want to listen to you two bumping andgrinding at night.” Maisy-Bell states, loud enough that everyone around laughsat our expense. Well, my expense because Gabe has no shame, me I’m bright redand want the ground to swallow me.
Carolina has the loudest laugh going on until I turn andgive her the stink-eye. “You have some nerve to laugh. You and Drakedisappeared for days, and you have been walking bow legged ever since.”
When Carolina blushes, Drake chuckles and Gabe drags me intothe back garden of the council building where most of the pack are standingwaiting for the meeting to begin.
“Good day everyone. First, thank you all for coming, and Iknow its early days for us being a pack, but I am not a dictator and notintending to be one. I want you to speak out, say what you would like to happenin the pack. Let us know if you need anything.” Gabe stands tall next to me,and I feel so proud to be at his side. “We are going to open a room in thecouncil building where you can bring ideas forward. One idea already broughtforward is a nursery where the pups will be safe and learn before entering theschool system.”
Muttering and nods of agreement and interest flow over thepack and when a young woman holds her hand up, I smile when Gabe chuckles.“Yes.”
The young woman I know is Tiffany, and she is the mate ofRathor, who is on warrior patrol at the moment. They have a pup who is only afew weeks old and, from what I have been told, Tiffany had a hard time birthingthe pup.
“Can anyone apply to work at the nursery?”
“Carolina is the person you need to see to get your namedown for a position on the nursery staff. She will be the one in charge and ifyou have experience of pups, which I know you have as you have a pup of yourown, then I’m sure you will be of interest.” I respond, taking the nurserytopic away from Gabe.
Carolina steps forward and looks at the pack. “I’ll beinterested in speaking with anyone who would like to work at the nursery, orgive a little of their time now and again. Please come and see me after themeeting.”
I squeeze Gabe’s hand because we’ve not confirmed we’ll evenhave a nursery, but the interest for one ensures we will, as soon as we can getit built. Giving me a slight head nod, I know he agrees we build the nurseryand get this off the ground for the benefit of the pack.
“Warrior training, I’m not giving options. There is evidencethat something is brewing in no-man’s-land, and I want everyone to defendthemselves, young and old alike. I’ll not take excuses, because we cannot haveweak links that stand around waiting for someone else to save them.” Gabe isshowing a firm stance on this, and I can see most are nodding in agreement. “MyBeta will be here tomorrow, and he is a skilled trainer. He will assist Chief Drake,who you will ALL give respect to, and I’m telling you if he says jump, you willrespond with ‘how high, Chief’.”
Brod has been standing quietly, but I can see he is burstingto say something, and he steps forward before anyone can stop him. “Alpha Gabriel,how old do we have to be to train for warrior status?”
I look at Gabriel, who looks at Drake. Drake eyes Brodbefore he responds. “You can start training toward being a patrol warrior whenyou turn sixteen, but you cannot become one until I’m satisfied you are up toscratch and can do the patrol safely, for yourself and for the partner you willpatrol with.”
Brod nods, grins, and steps back, but I can see thedetermination on his face. He also has a head start, as he has been trainingwith Drake and me for months now, and it shows in his body. He is stronger andmore muscular than others his age. I’m thankful he hasn’t found his mate yetbecause he has so much ambition as a pack member. It would have been a waste ifhe’d met his mate this early.
“Brod, report for warrior training at the paddock on thefarm tomorrow morning, six o’clock sharp. Everyone else sixteen or above comealso, no excuses because if you don’t turn up your parents will be held asresponsible as you.” Drake states firmly, and I see parents squirming at theprospect.
Tomorrow is Saturday, so there is no excuse about schoolbeing in the way. They are due to leave school after their sixteenth birthdayif the tutor feels they have learned enough. It’s not like the human schools,as shifters' lives are so different in every way.
“I will meet with the tutors, and business management, andif I find that parents are allowing schoolwork to be ignored, then I’ll beseeing about a suitable punishment for the parents and the pups involved."