Page 107 of Kingdom of Wolves

Looking at the parents to show how I’ll be following throughwith what isn’t a threat but a promise. Gabe throws an arm around my waist,drawing me to him, giving me support and showing the pack he is supporting mydecisions.

A voice shouts, and everyone turns to see what is happening.


None of us wait to see who is shouting, but I turn toMaisy-Bell. “Get the women and pups in the council building. There is abasement. Get them in and lock it down. We’ll be back as soon as we can.”

I don’t wait for a reply. I shift and allow Ebony to comeforth. Chasing behind Phoenix and everyone who has shifted. Carolina shifted toClaret and is running alongside me. I know she was a warrior, so she is perfectto be by my side.

Reaching the end of town and running into the forest towardsthe border where no-man’s-land and Blood Pearl Pack verge we hear fighting,which means they are in the town’s territory as we have not run far enough toreach the border.

I recognize some fighters as Blood Pearl Pack warriors, andcan’t help but wonder why they are on our territory, but don’t have time tothink for long when a large wolf heads my way.

Ebony growls and surges towards the wolf, and I feel Claretat the side of us. Ebony and Claret jump into the air, and when the wolf rearsonto his back legs, Ebony throws herself underneath, raking her claws along hisbelly. Claret jumps and bites his shoulder, hanging on and taking a chunk withher as her body weight takes her past.

The wolf turns and runs back towards the border, howling ashe does so. The rogues turn and chase after who we now know is the leader ofthis group. We all give chase, but as scared rabbits, they stay a little aheadof us until they reach the border and disappear into the forest inno-man’s-land.

Turning to find Gabe, I notice someone standing on theforest edge across from us and squint as I try to see who it is. Looks familiarbut with the shadows from the forest I can’t get a clear look, but in the backof my mind I think I know this person.

Licking down the side of Ebony’s muzzle distracts me andseeing Phoenix bedside me nuzzling and whining. I shift and walk into Gabe’sarms as he also shifts.

“Alpha Gabriel.” We hear and turning we see a warrior fromthe Blood Pearl Pack standing tall with her arms behind her back. “We enteredyour territory once the rogues were beaten away from ours, but we didn’t wantthem to take the town by surprise and when your two warriors were becomingswarmed, we stepped up to help, telling one warrior to run to you to get help.”

Gabe steps forward and holds his hand out to shake. “Wethank you for your help. I’m sure our warriors would have been dead if youhadn’t stepped up to help. What happened exactly?”

“We were on a patrol exercise. That’s why there are morethan the usual two of us. We were running the perimeter of the border, showingwhere the weak spots were, anywhere we needed to be particular about watching.The places where we’ve been breached now and again. When we encountered thegroup of rogues, we quickly intercepted them and drove them off the territory,but they turned and headed towards the town. That’s when I decided to step overthe border and help.” The young woman looks a little worried, but I think shedid something brave and needed applauding for that decision.

Stepping forward before Gabe can respond. “We thank you foryour assistance. I’m sure you know we have only just turned from town to packand it’s a time where we are setting things into place, organizing routinesand, to be honest, everything else.”

“I understand, and I think you have both done a great thingby taking the rogue town into a legitimate pack. I wish you and the pack well.I’ll report to Alpha Aurora and she may contact you.”

“Thank you. We appreciate you stepping in to help. I willgive a glowing report to your Alpha when I speak to her.” Gabe gives thewarrior a smile before turning us both to face back home. “Let’s get back,everyone.”

It doesn’t take a minute for everyone to head back, but Inotice four warriors are staying near the border, making sure the rogues don’tcome back. Thankfully, apart from a few cuts and bruises, everyone is fine, andI see Drake fussing over Carolina, who isn’t happy about it, as she is awarrior in her own right.

Turning, I see Brod walking alongside another young male,and my stomach churns as I didn’t realize he had run out here with us. I lookup at Gabe and he shakes his head before speaking to me in our mind link. ‘Leavehim alone. I watched him and he fought well. He’s much more advanced than someof the eighteen-year-olds. Drake has taught him well, and I can see him being awarrior and trainer in the future.’

Back at the council offices, the mothers and pups arereleased from the basement, and everyone makes their way home. I check as manyof them as I can when they leave, just to show we are taking our positionsseriously.

Gabe is speaking to the advisors and warriors, making surethe perimeter will be secure with more warriors patrolling than the usual two.

I’m not sure why the rogues are trying to get into all thepack territories, but they have breached each of the packs. Something is afoot,but as yet, I don’t think anyone knows what is happening or why.

Making our way back to the farm, I link arms withMaisy-Bell, who is speaking to Gabe about how happy she is now she’s beenaccepted as pack. I think she’s going to be like a grandmother to a lot of thepups, as she wants to do a couple of days a week at the nursery once it isopened.

Things are really looking good, and my future for once seemspromising. I’m lucky to have parents that, although are not blood, have putthemselves in a position to help me after letting go of their home. It took mea while to realize they lost most everything to make sure things would workwell for me and the new pack. I will make sure they know how much I love themwhen they come to visit.

I also have friends I can count on, in and out of the pack,and thinking about Alpha Lyle. I can’t help but smile because he’s the brotherI never had, but always wanted, and when he finds his mate she better be rightfor him or I’ll not be happy.

“Come on, stop daydreaming, let’s go find something to eat,then pen up the animals for the night.” Maisy-Bell states as she walks fasterand drags me along beside her much to Gabe’s amusement. I give him thestink-eye, and the non-verbal promise I’ll make him suffer.



Forcing myself away from Tati in the morning is no easierthan when we first mated. She means everything to me, and the last six monthshave been amazing. We’ve worked hard to form the pack environment we want, andthe fruits of our labor are showing as everyone has settled into being able tomind link once more as pack members and have done whatever they could to makethis pack successful.

Walking into the kitchen, I grin as I see Brod messing withTati as she passes drinks around to Thomas, who has joined the pack as my Beta.I hoped he would and when I asked him, he quickly agreed, and although AlphaConnell wasn’t happy about Thomas leaving his pack, he knew he had no choice asThomas would have rejected the pack outright and quickly joined the WolfsfootPack.