Page 105 of Kingdom of Wolves

Mayor Thomas speaks out, giving a nod of approval as he doesso. “I think a small packhouse is a great idea because the housing is stretchedat this point and if we have many new members, we will struggle to house them.We do meetings here and in the garden, but a purpose-built hall for trainingand meetings is also something well worth using the town’s savings for. We havefull accounts that you can see Alpha Gabriel as soon as you are settled.”

“Good. I’ll look them over with Agnes, as I believe you havedone the accounts.”

Agnes sits straighter in her seat and gives me a warm smilebefore giving one to Tatiana. “I have and also have taught Tatiana how to makeentries into the accounts, and look for anomalies.”

“Gregor, you have been keeping the businesses all runningsmoothly and paying their town payments. We will have to look at changing thatsystem now we are a pack. I’ll have meetings with each of you to make sure I’mup to date with all that you do.”

“Anytime is good with me, Alpha Gabriel.” Gregor respondsand tips his head in respect.

Last, I look at Wallace. “You have been managing thewarriors who patrol the borders. Do you think we need to change that now we area pack?”

“Yes, I think the warriors need the status they deserve.They do the patrolling and have free accommodation and food in return, but theyhave to assist with other businesses to make actual payments for other thingsthey need. I would like to think as a pack they will be given a fair recompensefor what they do, and let’s be honest, what they do keeps each of us safe inour beds at night.” Wallace, I can tell, has an affinity with the warriors andthat is good to note.

“I think I will meet with one of you each morning until wehave the changes in place that we need. Mayor Thomas, I think you need toremain the head of advisors, but as we are not a town any longer youunfortunately will lose your mayor title. Is that going to be an issue for you?”

Grinning as he replies. “No, it’s not an issue for me. Inever wanted to be mayor, but someone had to do it and I got bamboozled into itby these three. I’m perfectly fine being an advisor and continuing to liaisewith the businesses and report back to you, if that is how you want me towork.”

“Good.” I add, running a thumb and forefinger over my chin,and feel the scratch from my close shaved beard. I nearly grin when I rememberthe beard rash on the top of Tatiana’s chest this morning when I watched herget dressed for this meeting, but somehow hold it back.

Finishing the meeting after organizing tomorrow's packmeeting, we head back to the farmhouse, where we have a meeting with Drake.

Walking into the farmhouse kitchen, I hold my hand out toDrake, who steps forward and gives me a tip of his head in respect. “Good day,Drake. Good day, Carolina. It’s good to have you here to speak with.”

“Alpha Gabriel. We wanted to show our support to yourself,and to Tatiana as our Luna.” Drake firmly states, and gives Tatiana a smallsmile.

Carolina is a different support as she throws her armsaround Tatiana, bouncing up and down on her toes and talking so fast none of uscan understand a word she is saying. Tatiana giggles and wraps an arm aroundCarolina’s waist and drags her out the back door, leaving me and Drake staringat them as they leave.

Shaking my head, I turn to Drake, and he has a stunned lookon his face. “I think I know how you feel, Drake.” Chuckling.

“Carolina hasn’t been in my life long, but she has made ahuge difference. She is so bubbly and friendly that she takes my breath away.”Drake looks shocked that he’s said so much, and smirking, he rubs one hand downthe back of his neck.

“Hey, mates, we are lucky to have them, and I’m happy to seeTatiana has another friend she can rely on, apart from Brod.” I take a seat atthe kitchen table and watch Drake take one opposite, before continuing. “Now,you are Tatiana’s trainer and I hope you will continue to do that. But, onceI’ve spoken to the pack and found out who is who, and what they are all doing Iwant you to become the packs Chief Trainer, and I’m going to see if Thomas mychildhood friend will join our pack although it will annoy Alpha Connell I’msure.”

“I can do that. But I’m a taskmaster, I don’t suffer fools.The warriors that will patrol need to be committed or I’ll ditch them, andfast.” Drake, I can see, will be stern, but I’m sure he’ll be fair.

“We’ll be building a training hall which we can hold packmeetings when necessary. Give it some thought and when we put our plansforward, I’ll need you with me to ensure we get the best training facility.Maybe we could have it on the farm, but not too far from town. That way, if wehave rooms for un-mated warriors, they will be near the pack businesses ifneeded.” I rub my chin again, deep in thought, because in some ways the packwill always represent a town with the shops and businesses involved.

Drake nods his head. “Yes, on the farmland may be best. Wecan use that plot along the main road through. We need to look at a map of thefarm before we decide.”

“Agree. Get a map, then we’ll get together. But know that Idon’t want you taking a back seat, Drake. You will be an active inner circlemember of the pack.”

“I’ll do my best. I left my old pack because of bad politicsand I wouldn’t bow down to inferior members. That has never happened in thetown. Everyone came here with a reason to be a rogue. What they have now is afresh start at pack life, and I for one am grateful, especially now I have amate.” Drake gives me a smirk and I can’t help the nod and smirk that I giveback to him.

We spend another half an hour discussing the training wewill give the warriors and who Drake feels will be the most dependable. Once heleaves with Carolina tucked under his arm, I pick up my phone and walk outsidewhere I take a seat on the garden bench overlooking the herbs and make a call.

“Thomas, it’s time to reject that pack and come here to bemy Beta. Now, what do you say?” That is my opening gambit and I hope that thiswill work out how I want it to.



Yesterday was so busy, with Gabe having more meetings afterwe had the one with the advisors. It seems strange calling them that instead ofthe town council. I have been following along, learning and introducing asneeded.

Poppa Lykos called and was so proud of me for becoming Lunaof the Wolfsfoot Pack, and finding my mate. He asked why I never wanted to bethe Alpha of a pack, and rather be a Luna, and it’s difficult to explain, but Itried.

In the past, all I know of Alpha’s is what I saw with AlphaTorrance. That is somebody, or something, I never wanted to become. He wasarrogant and cruel; he had no regard for any pack member. Because of hisexample, I would rather be a Luna and help guide my mate, Alpha, to lead a packin a wholesome manner. Respectful and nurturing.

Being a Luna in my mind allows me to flow through the pack,checking if anyone needs anything, watching the pups grow and being a secondmother figure to them. Making sure the businesses are running, and if not,reporting to my mate so he can look into it, and do whatever is required. I’mthe eyes and ears for the Alpha and the reasoning if he needs it.