How soft he is with Azariel.
Even as big and scary looking as he is he manages to be tender with me.
The way he took care of me when I fell ill.
The times we crossed paths in the past he was always kind in his own way.
Even when he’s acting all cocky there’s always that softest that unnerves me.
A thought suddenly pops up.
A crazy one.
One I surely will regret but I go for it anyway.
Rising from the love seat, I make my way out of the library and close the door behind me. Then I go in search of the man who made the last couple of days more than bearable. Happy, dare I say.
And when I find him sitting on the kitchen island without a shirt looking like every angel’s favorite sin, I hesitate for a second. Only a second. When his eyes lazily roam my body until they lock on mine, all doubt seems to fade.
“Get dressed, Russian.” I blurted out.
He raises a dark brow and his mouth twitches as if he’s trying hard not to laugh.
My eyes narrow and that makes him laugh. Not a mocking laugh, though. A jovial one. A lovely sound that makes my body vibrate and my stomach feel funny.
The damn Russian gave me butterflies.
“Are you asking me on a date, kotyonok?” His smile widens and I roll my eyes at him. So cocky this man.
He smirks.
“I’ll meet you at the main door in an hour.” I look at his face savoring the feeling in my chest while he looks at me as if he can’t get enough of me. This feeling is addictive. I turn before I do something stupid like walk closer and kiss that cocky smile away. But then I stopped and looked at him over my shoulder. “And wear a suit, Vitali.” My eyes fall to his naked chest noticing the bandages are gone and he’s looking stronger than he did before. I look at the muscles and then at the small amount of dark hair that leads to places that should make me nervous but it doesn’t. It makes me feel things that I shouldn’t. Things I never felt before him.
“Yes, boss.” He says in that deep voice that sends chills down my back.
Swallowing hard, I quickly look away but there’s no point in hiding it. The cocky Russian caught me staring at his tattooed body.
I exit the room with my head held high, feeling his burning stare at my back.
Yes, boss.
I’ll never admit just how much he affects me. At least not to him.
His laugh.
His voice.
The way he says certain things makes my breath hitch and my heart stop.
The man is an enigma and I’m too far gone.
I always admired my self-control and my lack of interest in most things and people… but there is no doubt that Vitali Solonik has become an obsession to me.
A very sweet but dangerous one.
Chapter 23