Page 130 of She Saw What He Did

‘Scott, it’s Colin Weis.’

‘I’ve been watching the news,’ said Scott in a stunned voice.

‘Yep, it’s your Ryan alright.’

‘He wasn’t my Ryan,’ said Scott defensively.

‘You know what I mean.’

‘Is Ellen okay?’

‘No word on her yet, I’m afraid mate.’

Scott’s heart sank.

‘I don’t understand what made Ryan do it.’

‘Money, mate, it’s always money.’


Abby sat silently and watched as Luke Herman was taken from the house in handcuffs.

‘Here,’ said a kindly voice from behind her.

A pink-cheeked woman, who she recognised from the kitchen earlier, handed her a cup of tea.

‘There’s plenty of sugar in there.’

‘Thank you,’ she said, taking it.

A police officer strolled in and handed her a phone.

‘There you go. You can phone whoever you wish. After that we’ll need to take you to the station to answer some questions.’

‘Yes,’ she said, tapping into the phone.

Jared answered immediately.

‘It’s me,’ she said. ‘I’m alright. He’s dead. The Prime Minister isn’t.’

She then started to laugh.


Weis was sweating. It was muggy, and the place was full of police officers. He’d learnt that Abby Miller was inside. They were bringing her out soon. He needed to talk to her.

He pulled off his jacket and rolled back his shirt sleeves.

‘Terrorist, I reckon,’ said an officer at the side of him.

‘Right,’ said Weis.

Fucking Met, he thought. They think they know everything. He fumbled in his jacket for his ringing phone.

‘Yeah,’ he said.

‘Colin, it’s me, Ellen.’