Page 129 of She Saw What He Did

‘Oh,’ said Jared, surprised. ‘It isn’t him she’s going to kill.’


‘Well?’ demanded Preston.

His raised voice had alerted others. The sound of sirens and the droning sound of a helicopter had caused a panic. Doors was opening and closing. Armed police were surrounding them.

‘The original box is in the car with the man who has been holding my daughter. He has a gun and he is dangerous. I think the box is some kind of bomb,’ said Abby.

Herman dropped the handkerchief from his face, but it was too late. He had given himself away.

‘You knew about this?’ said Preston. ‘You told me there was an important call. You sent me to be assassinated.’

Herman stuttered something incoherent and fumbled for the handkerchief.

‘No, not me, it was Moray Arbour,’ Herman babbled. ‘It’s him you should be arresting.’

‘Moray?’ echoed Preston.

Alistair hurried into the room, his face red.

‘What the hell is happening Robert?’ he asked. ‘People are panicking.’

‘It’s alright,’ said Preston.

He turned back to Herman.

‘You disappointed me Luke. I know you didn’t agree with my policies but …’

‘You’re making a big mistake …’ began Luke.

Preston nodded to a policeman.

‘Arrest this man. He’s behind an assassination attempt.’

Lucinda flew into the room and straight to her husband.

‘My God, Robert, are you okay?’

She stared at Abby.

‘What’s going on?’

‘This woman saved my life,’ he said.


Scott stared at the television screen. He was so mesmerised that at first he didn’t notice his phone was ringing. They were saying the man in the car had been a police officer named Ryan Lester.

‘My God,’ he muttered.

Where the hell was Ellen? What in God’s name had happened to her? Had Ryan …

The phone trilled loudly in his ears and he grabbed at it, sending it crashing to the floor.

‘Fuck,’ he muttered, grappling for it.
