His heart jolted.
‘Ellen? Oh, thank God. Where are you?’
‘I’m at the Millers’. Jared has told me everything.’
‘God, it’s so good to hear your voice.’
‘Is it?’ she asked.
‘Of course it is, you silly cow,’ he said, smiling.
It was all over the news. Moray knew he didn’t have long. He threw anything and everything into a suitcase. His plane was waiting. Jesus Christ, he’d thought at the worst that it might not happen but he never in a million years pictured this.
The TV blared out at him and he turned to see Herman being led out in handcuffs.
‘My God,’ he muttered, grabbing a briefcase.
Herman would sing like a canary, Moray knew that.
The front doorbell echoed throughout the house and Moray clutched at his stomach. That bastard had already put him in it.
Sergiy’s body was discovered shortly after I’d told the police where he was.
‘He’s concussed,’ the police officer told me. ‘But he’ll live. Let’s get you home.’
As we turn the corner into our road, I feel my heart bursting with happiness. I have the door open before the car has even stopped. Jared opens the front door. Sam is in his arms. My determination not to cry is wiped out by the sight of her and I burst immediately into tears.
‘Mummy,’ she calls on seeing me.
Jared puts her down and she runs into my arms.
‘Mummy, I’ve missed you,’ she says.
I push my face into her hair and kiss her endlessly until she protests.
‘Mummy,’ she says, pushing me away, ‘you’re squeezing too tight.’
‘Here,’ I say, handing her the box.
‘My treasure box,’ she squeals.
‘Yes, my darling. It will always be your treasure box.’
Chapter Seventy-Nine
Two months later
‘Congratulations on your promotion,’ I say.
‘Thanks,’ said Ellen. ‘Of course, I should be thanking you.’