“You and Koa were helping Syd move in. You had a permanent scowl on your face and didn’t say anything to me the whole time. I don’t think you even noticed me.”
I noticed her, but I was suspicious of anyone getting close to my friends. I was worried about Sydney and someone taking advantage of her. I was also dealing with my own issues and insecurities. What if she tried to talk to me, and I made a fool of myself? It was always better to stay quiet and act like an asshole.
“I’m sorry for not telling you about my name.”
“You have no reason to be sorry. Your life before is yours to tell me what you want about it, but I do want to know. I want you to feel like you can trust me and tell me things.”
“I do. You can talk to me too. About anything.” I wrap my arms around her and crush her into my chest. “Is it going to be weird calling me Lauren now that you know who I really am?” I shake my head.
“No, you will always be Lauren to me. Mi brujita. Mi cariño.”
“What happened to you two Friday night? Lo and I took off work and everything for game night and you. Didn’t. Show.” Sydney exaggerates each word by pushing her fork in Wren and Charlie’s faces.
“I made nachos.” I frown at Charlie. She loves my nachos. “I even added a few olives just for you.” Charlie pouts.
“Don’t lie to me and say you were out. I know you were home because I sent Wyatt over to get you. All he came back with was the wine you promised to bring. Explain.”
We are sitting outside in the quad at our favorite picnic table. It’s the only table that is situated under one of the many maple trees that are scattered around campus.
We’ve been sitting at this table every Wednesday since we were able to claim it as ours halfway through Freshman year.
It keeps us shaded in late summer and it’s gorgeous to look at this time of year with the warm orange and red leaves. It’s likely one of the last days we will be able to sit out here now that we are edging toward the end of October.
“I was going to come. But then I got a text from Liam. I’m sorry but I wasn’t going to turn down a date with Liam Golding to hang out with you and three emotionally unavailable men. I wore spanx for three days straight to earn that date.” Charlie holds up three fingers then slams her hand on the table making me flinch.
“How did it go?” I brave asking what we all want the answer to.
“I don’t want to talk about it.” Charlie slumps in her seat and fiddles with her lunch. “Let’s just say it wasn’t worth missing Lo’s nachos.”
“Sorry Charlie,” Syd says with a teasing grin.
“That stopped being funny two years ago,” Charlie deadpans. “It’s fine. I’m done dating.” I snort. She almost said that with a straight face.
Charlie is a serial dater. She is looking for her Prince Charming. I’ve tried to tell her that her prince will take her by surprise and be someone she is least expecting.
“And what about you Wren? What were you doing that was so important you couldn’t hang out with us?” Sydney asks, ignoring Charlie.
Wren carefully pulls off the tinfoil lid of her yogurt, scrapes the excess back into the yogurt cup, and then folds the lid with precision before storing it in her lunch box.
“I had to study,” she says in her usual dry tone.
“Of course, you did. That’s all you do.”
“Give her a break Syd.” I nudge Syd’s arm with my elbow.
“I just think we’re only going to have this time once. After we graduate it’s work and the real world.”
“You don’t think I know that? I know that better than anyone,” Wren says quietly.
“Then why aren’t you out there living it up? Meeting new people? Going on dates? You’re gorgeous. You would have guys lining up at your door if they knew what you are hiding under that blazer. You’re a single lady get out there, girlfriend.”
Wren hides behind her glasses and blazers, but Syd’s right. Wren is gorgeous with her long black hair and crystal blue eyes.
“She isn’t available,” Charlie blurts out. “She’s engaged.” Charlie pops a potato chip in her mouth like she didn’t just drop a giant bomb on the middle of the table.