Page 86 of Easy Out

“Engaged?” I screech. “Since when.”

“Since she was like sixteen.” Wren grunts in irritation. If looks could kill, Charlie would be fish food.

“Maybe we should let Wren answer.” The three of us look at her expectantly. Her doe eyes widen even further.

“I’m unofficially engaged,” Wren says robotically like it’s a rehearsed line. “We’ll be making it official after I graduate from Newhouse.”

“Congratulations?” Syd says more like a question.

“Thanks.” She offers a grim smile. Wren doesn’t look like a woman who is in love and happy to be getting married.

“Well, game night was fun. I could have used you on my team for trivia.” I attempt to change the subject and Wren relaxes her shoulders.

“At least Hart was helpful. Wyatt and Koa didn’t do me any favors,” Sydney complains.

“Not true. You wouldn’t have won if they didn’t get all the sports questions right and you know it.” Syd waves me off with a whatever.

“Don’t worry. Wren is coming to The Armory this weekend.”

“I didn’t agree to that.” Wren glares at her roommate.

“I don’t remember giving you a choice,” Charlie pushes back. My eyes drift to Sydney and we share a secret knowing look.

Wren and Charlie have been roommates since freshman year just like me and Syd. The only difference is they are opposites of each other whereas Syd and I are very similar.

We get along like peanut butter and jelly.

They are more like oil and vinegar.

Charlie is a vibrant redhead who is down for anything whereas Wren is a planner and list maker.

“I don’t remember saying I was going either.” The Halloween party at The Armory is this Friday which would mean another night off work. Not to mention finding a costume. Dressing up has never really been my thing.

“I already told Ray we needed the night off.” Syd pops a bite of food in her mouth. “He’s cool with it. Said Margo’s been asking for more hours.” She grins like an evil stepsister. Try to get out of this, I dare you.

“I hate you,” I grumble.

Charlie claps enthusiastically. “Okay so group costumes.” That earns her a groan from all of us. “What? Oh, come on. It would be so much fun. We could do Charlie’s angels.” I bark a laugh.


“Sexy Wizard of Oz cast?”

“How do you make the tin man look sexy?”

“Oh, that’s easy. Slinky silver dress-”

“Enough said. No.”

“I’m not wearing a costume,” Wren says. “You will be lucky I even go at all.”

“We’ll see about that. Fine. No group costumes. Are you and Hart at least going to do something as a couple?” Sydney starts laughing and I follow shortly behind her.

“I doubt it. I’m pretty sure Hart has the same mindset as Wren. I will be lucky if I can even get him to come.” It will be a hard sell considering I don’t want to go either. I would much prefer a movie night at home.

“Oh please, that boy would do anything for you.” I roll my eyes dismissing the idea.

“Maybe,” Syd agrees. “But I still think he would draw the line at coordinating costumes. He has been a baseball player every year since second grade.”