Page 108 of Easy Out

“We only came to see you a few times. Dad, he traveled a lot for work.” Enzo says the word dad as if he’s my dad too. He’s not. A few photos don’t make someone a father. “After Marco was born, we weren’t able to get back to see you. Then…” his voice trails off.

Then my mom died, and no one cared enough to come get me.

“Thanks for the ride.” I hand him back the photos. I don’t want them.

“Please, keep them.” I snatch the photos from his hand and exit the car.

Nash opens the door when I knock. “What are you doing here? Are you okay?” I shake my head. The tears are already starting to form again. Nash looks toward the driveway and notices Enzo. “Syd’s upstairs. I’m going to chat with Enzo.”

I fly upstairs. Once I get to Syd’s door I knock softly. “Come in.” I open the door and let myself in. I barely get over the threshold before she gets off her bed and is holding me in her arms. “What happened?”

She ushers me back to her bed and we crawl in and cuddle just like we always have over the years. I’m about to start telling her about Morelli and feeling betrayed by Hart when I realize I need to start from the beginning.

Syd needs to know about Seatle, my mom, foster care, all of it. By the time I’m finished sharing my life story we are both crying and clinging to each other.

“I can’t believe Marco and Enzo are your brothers. I tried to set you up with them. What if you ended up kissing one of them?” She cringes. For some reason, this makes me laugh. It’s just so Syd.

“Thanks, I needed that. I honestly can’t believe we’re related too.”

“What are you going to do?” She flips through the photos Enzo gave me.

“Nothing. There’s nothing for me to do.”

“Lauren,” she scolds me. “They’re your family.”

“No, they’re not. I don’t know them.”

“But you could.”

“I don’t know.”

“Enzo and Marco are great guys. I’ve grown up with them.” Her words bring on a new wave of sadness. Sydney got what I didn’t. She got to spend every day getting to know two people who were supposed to be mine.

“I’m so sorry Lauren.”

“Don’t be. I’m fine. Do you think I could borrow your car? I need to be alone for a while.”

“Of course. I’ll get Nash to drive me back to campus to pick it up later. Text me or call if you need something. You can come back and spend the rest of the weekend with me. You’re always welcome here. I love you so much.”

“I love you too. I really did win the lottery with you.” After giving Sydney one more hug, I roll off her bed.

She passes me the photos. “Promise me you’ll think about letting them in. Everyone should get the opportunity to have you in their life.” I sniffle and hold back tears. I’m so tired of crying today.

Driving around Montgomery, I don’t even realize where I’m going. I feel completely lost. The day’s events run through my head and my heart. Before I know it, I’m parking the car, shutting off the engine, and very grateful I have Sydney’s keys.



She left.

Lauren left without me.

I don’t blame her. I knew she would need time to process. I didn’t expect her to accept Alessandro as her father and carry on with the day as if this information didn’t disrupt everything she’s ever known. She’s been hurting for too long. My heart broke seeing her with tears streaming down her face. So hurt by everyone. By me.

“I should have said something,” I announce to the room.

“I needed to be the one to tell her. She’s my daughter.”