Page 109 of Easy Out

“Yeah, well she’s my everything and she just walked out the door.”

“Be patient, mijo. Lauren needs time to wrap her head and heart around everything she learned today.”

“And if she doesn’t forgive me.” The mere thought has me rubbing out the stabbing pain in my chest.

“I don’t think you have anything to worry about. I’m the one she hates right now. I’m the one she can’t even look at.” Morelli pushes away from the table.

“Can you blame her? You didn’t come for her. You left her to fend her herself. She was left with no one.”

“You don’t know the whole story, Hart. You also can’t make me feel guiltier than I already do. I didn’t know about Gemma. I was in another country. After I spent time at home with Victoria and the boys, I went to visit Alessa.”

“What do you mean? What happened when you went back to Seattle?”

“I went to the diner to check in with Gemma. She wasn’t answering her phone, which usually meant she was busy working. On my way to the diner, I saw Alessa. She was walking inside with a man. I assumed they were meeting up with her mom. I thought he was her stepdad. I didn’t want to get in the way of that. She looked so happy.”

“How old was she?”

“I don’t know eleven, maybe twelve. I hadn’t been in touch with Gemma for years. It looked like their lives were moving forward without me.” His tone is laced with regret. My head drops realizing the timing of everything.

“I probably shouldn’t tell you this. I could be wrong, but Lauren said she never went to the diner much after her mom died. Except this one time.” I pause. Not sure if I should continue.

“Just tell me. I’m going to get the full story one way or another.”

“You should have gotten the whole story fifteen years ago,” I snap.

“James,” my dad scolds me this time.

“No, Stephen. He’s right. I should have. There are a lot of things I should have done. I live with that pain every day. My little girl should have been with me. I sacrificed my own happiness so she could have hers,” he says with a punch to his chest.

“Yeah well, you should have asked more questions because that man was her foster dad. He took Lauren out for ice cream because he was saying goodbye. That was the same day he dropped her off at the group home.”

Everyone in the room reacts to this information. Mostly in curse words and tears. My mom excuses herself from the table. I know she is going to busy herself in the kitchen. She can’t sit still when she’s upset. My mom loves Lauren as her own. She feels connected to her in ways I don’t even understand.

“Dad,” Marco says, breaking the silence that has blanketed the room. “You didn’t know.”

“I should have. I should have asked questions. Fuck!” His fist pounds into the table rattling all the dishes. “It’s my job to ask questions and I just walked away.” Morelli’s broken eyes meet mine. “I need to see her. I need to talk to Lauren and explain everything. You have to get her to agree to see me.”

“You do remember she isn’t talking to me right now either.”

“She will,” my father chimes in.

“If she does.” God, I hope she does. “I’m on Lauren’s side. I will support her and what she decides to do. Even if that means not having a relationship with you.”

“I guess I can’t ask for more than that.”

“For what it’s worth. There’s nothing Lauren wants more than a family and a place to belong. My mom is right. We need to be patient with her.” I can barely believe these words are coming out of my mouth. Patient? Maybe I can be that, but give her space? No, that is something I won’t agree to.

The front door opens, and Enzo enters the dining room. He’s back quicker than I thought he would be. Did Lauren change her mind? I glance behind him hoping Lauren is following him into the room.

“She’s not here. I dropped her off at Syd’s.”

“How is she?” Morelli asks.

“Angry. Sad. Mainly quiet.”

“Syd will help her,” I say. I wish it was me she ran to. I can only blame myself for that. Sydney has been her rock and safe place for the past few years. It will be good for Lauren to finally tell her everything about her life before Newhouse. She’s been so worried about losing Syd.

Lauren has no idea how many people love and care for her. “I’ll pick her up in an hour or so.”