Page 95 of Easy Out

“I knew you would react like this. Your priority is her. I knew you would want to tell her and it’s not time yet.”

What the hell is he waiting for?

“And yet you’ve been questioning my intentions this entire time.”

“She’s my sister. I’m happy she has you, but it doesn’t make it any easier to see her all flirty and shit.”

Lauren and the girls join us at the table again. Laughing and dancing the whole way. Enzo gives me a warning look.

“Hi,” Lauren greets me.

How am I going to look Lauren in the eye and not tell her that the family she’s always wanted has been in Alabama waiting for her all this time?



"Hola, cariño. Do you want a drink?" Hart kisses my forehead and slides his beer over to me. I take a long pull. It’s not as refreshing as a glass of ice water, but the cool liquid feels good after all the dancing. “Are you having fun?”

“Yes, but I’m ready for a break. How is everything over here?” I hop up onto the empty high top bar seat. My eyes bounce between Hart and Enzo. Something is off. There has been a weird tension between the two of them all night.

“We’re good, cariño. Are you alright after talking to Matt? What did he want?“ Matt. Ugh. That idiot.

“The usual.” I shrug. “I think he finally got the message though.” I smile wide.

“You did good.” Hart pops a quick kiss on my lips. “Are you ready to go home?” I frown.

“You still owe me a dance.”

“Fine. Then we leave and I finally get to untie this.” He loops a finger through the cording at the back of my corset. The thought makes me shiver.

Enzo clears his throat severing the moment. “Lauren.”

“Enzo. Hi. Sorry for not saying it back at the dorm.”

“No problem. You were… preoccupied.” His eyes narrow on Hart.

“I was.” I smile at Hart. His hand is on my thigh and he’s rubbing slow circles over my knee. I want his hands on other parts of my body. Hart’s hand stills suddenly. He’s smirking at me. Clearly reading my mind.

“How’s school going?” Enzo asks, bringing my attention back to him.


“Still not very talkative I see.”

“Maybe she doesn’t want to talk to you,” Hart says. Enzo stares Hart down then takes a long sip of his beer.

“Maybe. Is that true, Lauren?”

“No. School is great, Enzo.”

“What’s your major again?”

“English and journalism.”

“Cool.” There is something about the way Enzo smiles. He’s happy about this for whatever reason. Maybe because he knows Hart has the same major?

“What about you?”