“Sports medicine but I’m entering the draft with Hart.”
“You’re as good as him?”
“Not according to our stats,” Hart says. Enzo brushes him off with a shrug.
“Do you have plans for Thanksgiving break?”
“Yes.” The last few years Manny and Carlos have spent the entire weekend with me at my trailer. We binge movies, play board games, and decorate our Christmas Tree.
I love it.
“I want you to come eat with my family, cariño.” Hart must sense my hesitancy. “They can come too.”
“I’ll ask them, but I don’t know.”
“Who are you talking about?” Enzo’s eyes bounce back and forth between us.
“A few kids from Royal Oaks. I live there during the summer and on breaks. They’re like brothers to me.”
Enzo’s jaw tics and he downs the rest of his beer. “How nice. I bet they enjoy spending time with you. I’m going to get out of here. It was good to see you, Lauren. Hopefully we’ll see you again at Hart’s for Thanksgiving. Marco and I will be there with our parents. He hasn’t stopped talking about his dance lessons.” That makes me laugh.
Hart and Enzo talk quietly for a few moments before Enzo says goodbye to everyone at the table.
“What’s their deal?” Syd asks.
“I have no idea. They were intense, right?”
“Yep. I think we need shots.” I laugh.
“That is not what we need,” Koa interjects.
“You, sir, are not in charge here. Charlie?”
“To the bar!” Syd pumps one arm in the air and then hooks the other in Charlie’s arm. “I’ll bring you back something. Stay here with your man.”
Charlie and Syd leave to get shots. Syd reminds us not to leave the table. I give her a quick salute. No surprise Koa follows them. I have no idea where Wyatt and Wren are. I haven’t seen them since we started dancing. I wouldn’t be surprised if Wren slipped out and went home.
“You didn’t want to go with them?” I shake my head.
“I’m happy here with you.” Hart moves to stand in between my legs. “This isn’t much of a costume.” I pull on the strings of his Newhouse sweatshirt.
“Compared to yours. No, it isn’t.”
“Compared to anyone, Hart.” He still looks good though. His broad shoulders fill out the fabric nicely and his dark wash jeans hang perfectly on his narrow hips. My breathing picks up in anticipation of what might happen tonight.
“Are you ready for your dance, Lauren?” I glance at the crowded dance floor. The idea of dancing for Hart in front of all these people doesn’t sound as appealing to me anymore.
“How would you feel about a private dance at home instead?” Hart’s eyes darken and his hands grip my thighs.
“Let’s go home, brujita.” His voice is deep and growly. It coats my skin like warm honey.
I send a quick text to Sydney and let her know we’re leaving. She better hustle back to keep her table.
“All good?”