Page 94 of Easy Out

“Mierda." Matt is talking to Lauren and Syd.

“That guy can’t take a hint,” Koa mutters.

“If you aren’t going to say something, I will.” Enzo is seething. I’ve never seen him like this. And over my girl. I’m more inclined to fight Enzo than Matt at this point.

“Give her a chance. Lauren can handle herself. Maybe he will listen to her.” Matt is standing too close to her, but I know Lauren. She won’t stand for it. It surprises me he came out with his left arm still in a sling.

Syd’s eyes bounce to Koa’s and they speak without words. “Syd said they’re fine.” How he knows that from a few blinks and nods I’ll never understand.

Matt lifts his uninjured arm and attempts to touch Lauren’s hat. Before he can get to her, she snatches his wrist and twists his arm painfully. My little witch spits words in his face and then shoves him away.

“I told you she can handle herself.”

Enzo chugs the rest of his beer. “This time.”

“You know. I’m really getting tired of all your shit.” I turn to face him. “Why don’t you tell me what you’ve been dancing around all night. You don’t want me to date her?” I step closer to him. “You want her for yourself?” I’m so close to him he has to lean back.

“No,” He grits out.

“Then what is it.” I push up on him more.

“Back up, Hart,” Enzo warns.

“Tell me.”

“Hart. Don’t push me.”

“Tell me why you’re so interested in Lauren.”

“Fuck, Hart. She’s my sister!” I blink. Take a step back. The music must be too loud because I’m not sure I heard him right. “Lauren is my sister,” he repeats calmer this time.

“You’re lying. How is that possible?”

“Don’t believe me if you want but it’s true. Your Lauren is my half-sister Alessa.” He’s not lying if he knows her real name.

“We’re going to need more beers. I’ll be back.” I barely register Koa leaving the table.

“It’s a long story but my dad worked in Seattle and met her mom at the diner she worked at.”

“Fuck.” Lauren catches my eye on the dance floor, and I do my best to smile and ease the concern etched on her face. Morelli is her dad.

“How long have you known?”

“The moment I saw her at The Warehouse. She looks just like my aunt Naomi. And her eyes. We have the same eyes.” I glance at his eyes and sure enough they are the same hazel with the golden ring.

“We have to tell her.”

“No. Dad doesn’t want her to know yet.”

“What the fuck, Enzo? She has the right to know. I can’t keep this from her.”

“Well, you forced me to tell you so now you have to.”

“Does Marco know?” Enzo nods. That explains his behavior at dinner. He wasn’t flirting. He was trying to get to know his sister. “I won’t lie to her.”

“I’m not asking you to. I just…give us a little time. Your mom was thinking Thanksgiving break.”

“My mom knows?” He nods again. “And no one thought to tell me?”