Page 12 of Hot Blooded

I nodded. Giving Vinnie time to cool off wasn’t a bad idea. I took Elio’s arm.

“No, he stays. I need to talk to him.”

“Elio is with me.”

“You really want to die today, don’t you?”

I refused to let him see how scared I was. “I promised him protection. I won’t go back on that promise.”

“You don’t make the rules here, I do, and you better remember that if you aren’t choosing this as your death day.”

I was in danger, but I wouldn’t leave Elio. Vinnie’s bark was worse than his bite when it came to family. “I won’t say anything while you talk to Elio, and I’ll take him home with me and keep him safe.”

Vinnie’s glare should have set me on fire. “So I’m supposed to trust you to keep him secure and to fight off anyone who comes for him?”

“Yes, sir.”

“You’re going to be the one thing standing between me and a war that will drag in the Marchesis. You do realize Lucien will kill us all for this, right?”

I didn’t want to think about that confrontation anymore than I wanted to think about losing Elio now that I’d found him again.

Elio took a step forward. “I could just disappear.”

“No!” Vinnie and I shouted at the same time.

He tilted his head and frowned at Vinnie. “So, which is it? Am I an asset or a liability?”

Vinnie snarled. “You’re a man who needs to learn to keep his mouth shut.”

“Take it easy on him, Vinnie. He’s been through a lot today.” Until he spoke, I’d barely registered Vinnie’s boyfriend, Tom, who’d been hanging back in the kitchen.

Vinnie turned to him, scowling. “Don’t.”

Tom held up a hand and gave him an icy look.

Vinnie’s anger seemed to deflate. “Fine.” He turned back to Elio. “Your value to us remains to be seen. For right now, you’re to do as Tony says if you want to be in good shape for a reunion with your family.”

Elio didn’t back down. I’d never seen this side of him, but I liked it. “I don’t want to be reunited with them.”

“He’s staying with me,” I said.

Vinnie slammed a hand down on the counter. “I give the orders here.”

I had to keep pushing. “His family doesn’t value him. We could do them a favor and take him off their hands.”

“No way in hell are they going to allow that without promises being made that Lucien would never agree to.”

“I’m not expecting we’d make a fucking alliance with them. I want to keep him.”

“Finders keepers?”

I looked down, realizing how stupid that sounded. “Something like that.”

“Try suggesting that. After they blow your head off, I’ll have less to worry about.”

“Just let me go,” Elio said. “Then neither of you need to worry about it.”

“No.” Again Vinnie and I spoke at the same time.