Page 11 of Hot Blooded

“I’ll bring you back to life.”

Elio leaned back into me. “What is happening here?”

No way could I handle a deep discussion now. “I’m taking you to meet my boss.”

“You know that’s not what I mean, but that’s a terrible idea. This is all a terrible idea.”

“I don’t have a choice.”

“You do, but you’re too stubborn to admit it.”

“No, I need you too much.”

“Fuck, Tony.” He turned around in my arms. When his eyes met mine, I swear my heart stopped for a moment.

“You’re telling me you want to walk away?”

He looked down at himself, his chest splattered with cum and his pants around one ankle. “Not like this.”

I chuckled. “No way in hell would I let anyone else see you like this.”

“What if I wanted them to?”

I seized his hips and yanked him against me. “You don’t.”

“How do you know?”

“Because you’re mine.”


I didn’t like the annoyance in his voice. “Don’t do this.”

“I don’t belong to you just like I don’t belong to my father. I’m my own person.”

“Then what the fuck were you doing creeping around that bastard’s house?”

“I needed the things he’d taken from me.”

“What could be that important? He hurt you. You know he’d hurt you again.”

“But now he’s dead.”

I stroked his jaw. “Elio, what did he take that mattered so much?”

He looked away. “Let’s get dressed. We shouldn’t be out here like this.”

I stepped back. I’d ask him again later. I couldn’t delay going to Vinnie’s any longer. The more I made him wait, the angrier he’d get.

“Are you trying to start a fucking war bringing Giacomo’s son here?” Vinnie asked. As if that wasn’t bad enough, I’d gotten him out of bed in the middle of the night to reveal my latest sin.

I glanced at Elio. He was trying to tell me something with his eyes, probably I told you so. “No, sir. I didn’t know who he was.”

“That’s your own fucking fault. I ought to hand you over to Lucien and let him?—”

“No, sir. I’ll fix this.” Lucien was the scary-as-fuck head of the Marchesi family. Ultimately, we worked for them.

“You won’t do a fucking thing until I give you orders, then you’ll obey them to the letter, or you won’t be around long enough to fuck up anything else.” I wanted to argue, but I kept my mouth shut while Vinnie paced his living room for several moments. “Right now, the best thing for you to do is go home. I’ll send someone to see to your arm.” He gestured toward my makeshift bandage.