Page 13 of Hot Blooded



Iwas so fucking sick of people arguing over me. When was I going to get to make a decision about my own life? “I wanted Billy dead.”

Vinnie glared at me. “I didn’t give you permission to speak.”

I took a step toward him. “I’m the son of Giacomo Barruchi. I don’t need your permission.”

“I don’t need to listen to anything an enemy has to say.”

“You need to listen to me if you don’t want a war.”

The young man I assumed was Vinnie’s boyfriend moved closer and laid a hand on Vinnie’s shoulder. “Give him a chance. He deserves to be treated like a person.”

I smiled at him. “Thank you. I’m tired of being everyone’s pawn. I’m a prisoner at home, and now I’m one here. I don’t want to be part of this game.”

Tony growled “This is not a game to me. You are not a game. I’m doing this to protect you. If I could do that by building you a remote cabin and keeping you there with me, blocking out all this fucking shit, I would.”

Vinnie and his boyfriend stared at Tony.

“Is that what you want?” the boyfriend asked. “I’m Tom, by the way. Nice to meet you.”

“I’m Elio, and….” I studied Tony for a moment. His look said I damn well better not contradict him, and dammit it turned me on instead of pissing me off. “Against my better judgment, yes, but not if it means starting a war or risking Tony’s life.”

“I’m willing to risk?—”

“Enough.” Vinnie yelled.

Tom placed a hand on Vinnie’s arm. “Remember when we met? Remember how hard it was for me to admit I wanted to stay with you?”

Vinnie scowled at Tom for a moment, but it looked like he was fighting a smile.

“I need a laptop,” I said.

“You need to learn when to keep your mouth shut,” Vinnie snapped.

“Do you want to solve this problem, or do you want my father breaking down your door?”

“If your father starts something with me, he’s starting it with Lucien Marchesi. I hope he’s not that foolish.”

“I can promise you if my father is challenged, he’ll accept it, and he’d fight God himself if the family honor was at stake.”

“Why do you need a laptop?” Tony asked.

“I’m the one asking questions,” Vinnie said.

I rolled my eyes. “I need to make sure Billy didn’t wipe the contents of this drive.” I pulled it from my pocket. “If he didn’t, then I have some proof of a secret my father desperately wants to keep. I can use it to get what I want.”

Vinnie focused on me again. I could see the calculations going on in his mind. “And what exactly is that?”

“To be free of my family and able to choose my own path.”

“Unless that path involves swearing allegiance to my family, you’re out of luck.”

I refused to back down. “Unless you want a war with the Barruchis, you’ll let me live my own life.”

“Why don’t we see what he’s got on the drive?” Tony asked.