“We just came back from checking on the islands. Raven set troops of Main Predators by every single one of the Bridges,” Ron informed as he tried to catch his breath.
Davina turned to him with her arms crossed. She let her fingers rip off the dry pieces of skin over her lips, a bad habit she picked up over the years whenever she was anxious.
As much as Raven attacked, she never set foot on Castellum. The attacks at the beginning of the war always occurred past the Bridges or inside the other islands. And it must’ve been because the King’s presence resided on Castellum island.
“Are the Main Predators bothering anyone?” Davina asked.
“Only those who try to enter or leave the islands,” Caleb answered.
“What are they doing?”
“They loot whatever goods they deem fit to take or give a heavy beating to the people,” Beacon replied.
“We could only observe the garrisons from above one of Beacon’s clouds,” Ron explained.
“This woman thought of everything,” Val uttered while biting her fingernails.
“How are we supposed to get back into our islands if the Main Predators are impeding our passage?” Cara questioned.
“How many Predators are stationed on each Bridge?” Snow asked.
“About fifty near the Bridge and around thirty surround the walls of Castellum,” Beacon explained.
“How so?” Leilani asked.
Caleb explained, “They use their shadows to float above the water.”
“And it seems like more keep joining at every minute,” Ron finalized.
An idea had already come to mind. Now, she had to be brave enough to make it happen. She was determined to be the brave Captain her friends needed her to be.
Davina nodded. “I know what to do.”
Cara, Leilani, Snow, and Valerie neared the group, their eyes affixed on Davina. Whatever happened, she had to be courageous enough to sacrifice what was necessary to win this war. Even if it was her own life.
“I’m going to fly above the islands, attack them, and lead them to Obsidian Canyon.”
Their eyes widened, each of them protesting, “No!”
“Vivi, no,” Ron whispered.
“As they follow me, you can bring your families from the islands into Castellum. Raven is incapable of entering so she won’t be able to hurt them here. They’ll be protected while you head out to battle. And as you bring your family, bring as many Bellatormans as you can.” Davina glanced at each of them, savoring each skin tone, each eye color, each distinct hair strand, and each shape of their faces.
“Davina, you won’t survive that,” Valerie said softly, her eyes glossed.
The probability of her dying would be high, but all she could imagine was the pain of all those families because of the Predators. Their pain was now hers, she understood it because her siblings were living at the mercy of Raven.
“They’re Main Predators, D, they’re not Lowlys. They know how to fight and use their shadows. Imagine all of them coming after you,” Caleb questioned.
“Ron and Beacon, you are to go to Mistral. Leilani and Caleb to Basalt. Cara, you will help Snow with the Neptulans. Valerie, find Master Abigail and ask her to help you oversee our island. Take troops with you according to their insignias,” Davina ordered, her eyes examining their battered and ripped uniforms.
“Davina, let one of us go with you. Let me; your fire powers with my earthquakes combined we’ll be able to get through to them,” Cara offered.
Davina shook her head. She was not going to allow Cara to face that kind of danger. “You need to go with Snow.”
So much had happened since the moment that Davina first stepped foot on Castellum Island. Davina understood that she had to stop being a scared little girl and become a fighter. True warriors had honor and that honor came from their bravery. Right now, she had to be brave, brave enough to face hundreds of Predators at once.
Her heart pulled her eyes to face Ron who seemed to be straining against himself from saying the same words he had repeated to her constantly all those months ago. His eyes begged her to stay, to not fly away and call the Predators to come after her.