Page 139 of Heiress of Fire

“Obey my orders and we shall win this war,” she commanded.

Davina turned to Leilani, she turned to each of her friends, a defiant look on their faces. Ron… she couldn’t even describe his expression.

“What will we do after we bring the people to Castellum?” Beacon asked.

Good. He was being rational.

“Most likely, Raven will start a rampage. Return to the islands I assigned to you with your troops, and have the Leaders help you organize the companies. There’s going to be way too many Predators at the center of the islands than there would be in the outward regions so start from the shores and work your way in.”

They all nodded. Davina faced Beacon who was watching his own shaky hands.

“Beacon, if I don’t come back… Please, find my siblings and save Bellatorm from Raven’s wrath.”

At that, he raised his eyes and shook his head. “Don’t say that, D.”

Her lip quivered before hugging Cara and Ron, slowly they each embraced one another and lowered their heads. The tension of battle weighed over their bones.

“You’ll get through this. I promise that you will,” she said to them, but part of her felt like she needed to tell herself those words, even though there was little to no hope for her surviving this.

Davina’s chest hurt once she heard Caleb sniffing, she sighed with despair. Snow, who always held her poise, was shaken as well. It seemed like she wanted to say something but was holding herself back, her blue eyes were widened. Cara’s beautiful face was saddened. Valerie and Beacon held tighter onto each other, with their heads against each other. Leilani seemed upset, her jaw was clenched as she stared at the stoned floor.

Davina couldn’t bring herself to look at Ron.

The Island Protectors remained in silence, taking in the moment, enjoying the warmth of each other’s embrace before having to face the Predators. She would allow herself to enjoy their company in these next few seconds because they could be her last. She listened to their breathing. Valerie’s breath, along with Cara’s and Caleb’s, was shaky. Beacon’s was calm although his rosy eyes and his trembling fingers betrayed him.

“We’ll be fine, guys,” Beacon reassured them.

Ron rubbed her back.

Time was running out. She had to leave. Davina sniffed before breaking the hug.

“You’re all dismissed,” she said softly. Davina was going to leave it at that. No more had to be said, except. “If this is the last time I see you guys, then I feel the need to say that it’s been an honor to serve Bellatorm with you all.”

Davina laughed through her tears as Cara was the first to jump into her arms.

“I wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for you,” Cara cried into Davina’s ear. Davina’s lips quivered as she nodded into Cara’s shoulder before they let go.

Valerie let go of Beacon and embraced Davina. “Thank you for renewing my faith in the King.”

Davina sobbed as she tightened her grip around Valerie. Val, the girl of sunlight, was the one who invited her to come inside the castle. The only one, besides Leilani, whoever did. Valerie kissed Davina on the cheek and then headed back to Beacon.

Snow came and reached for Davina’s hands. Their friendship was never easy to handle, but any memory of their distasteful past disappeared when Snow muttered, “Give them hell, Davina.”

Tears slipped from her beautiful turquoise eyes before Snow pulled Davina into a deep hug. Davina nodded then Snow let go.

Leilani came with regret filling her eyes. “I wish you didn’t have to do this.”

“I don’t have a choice, Lani,” Davina whispered.

“I know,” Leilani said.

Leilani wrapped her arms around Davina and said, “Thank you for being my friend.”

“Thank you for giving me a chance.”

Leilani put a hand on Davina’s cheek before walking away to stand next to Cara and Snow.

Beacon walked to her, stared at her for a long second, then hugged her. He squeezed so tightly that she almost couldn’t breathe. “Please, come back. Who am I going to fight with if not with you?”