“That’s a big question.”

I can't be sure but the circles she’s drawing on my skin seem to have shifted to hearts. I scratch my fingers gently over her shoulder. “No thinking twice. No questioning what someone else would think, including me. Or worrying about if you’d ever change your mind. What would you love? Right now. As the Sophie capable of knowing how to fight for her happiness.”

“I just want you.” Her arm wraps around my middle and she squeezes me tight. It’s the best fucking feeling.

“You have me. What else?” I’m not sure why it hit me all of a sudden that maybe it’s okay if I can’t read Sophie’s mind and anticipate everything she needs. Maybe asking her and being willing to give it is enough.

“Ummm. To design houses that you sell.”

“We’d make a pretty good team.”

“I think so,” she says wistfully, her drunkenness seeming to be replaced with sleepiness.

“What do you want right now?”

She hesitates. “To move in with you.”

“Done.” I don’t even pause.

“How come you never got a new roommate after Troy moved to California anyway?”

It would feel wrong to give up Troy’s room. I’ve been hoping he’ll move back to Oregon after the sabbatical he’s taking to get away from Emily–to get over her–but as much as I love him, I’d still kick him out in a heartbeat for Sophie. “There’s only one other person I’d want in my space.”

I feel her smile against my chest. “So I can really move in with you?”

“Yes.” I chuckle. “As long as you don’t hate me when you realize how much I hate doing laundry.”

She tilts her head, looking up at me with a grin. “But I only want to live here until we can buy a place together.”

“Or build our place?” I’m not sure why the idea never occurred to me before. “You could design our house someday. Only if you want to, of course.”

She springs up, slapping her hands onto my chest like the idea electrifies every cell in her body. “Really?”

“Yes, really.” I chuckle.

“Can we have a library?”

I nod, pushing myself up until I’m sitting and facing her.

“Can we have a giant windowless exterior wall so we can project a movie onto it like at the drive-in?”

“Sounds perfect.” I grin, sitting on the bed and tugging on her thighs until she swings one leg over, straddling me.

“Caaaaan we have a pole in the living room? So I can practice my dancing without falling on my face in front of other people?”

“We can absolutely have that, but in the bedroom.” I smooth my hands up her thighs until I reach lace.

“Can we kidnap Sunshine and move her to our new house?”

Now she’s just testing me. “Sophie?”


“Can you just assume I’ll give you whatever you want and let me kiss you now?”

“There’s only one thing I really want anyway.”

I press my lips to hers, stealing a soft and quick kiss. “Ask for it.”