“Can we just be happy now?”

Holding her tight to me, I flip her on her back in one smooth motion and hover over her. I press my lips to hers before murmuring against them, “I thought you’d never ask.”

Chapter seventy-three



Cooper, 24; Sophie's 22nd birthday

“Cupcakes are ready!” Sophie yells from the kitchen.

Closing the door behind me, I make my way down the hallway, brown paper package in hand. It’s been a busy week between Sophie’s finals, her graduation ceremony, and the two houses I just closed on. But we’re never too busy for tradition–or my favorite girl’s birthday.

“Happy birthday,” I tell her for the third time today, with a firm grip around her back to pull her to me. Her arms link around my neck as her mouth connects with mine, her usual cotton candy lip gloss taste replaced with the sweetness of homemade cream cheese frosting. I hum against her lips. “You taste good. Just like you did this morning.”

She pulls back to swat at me playfully. “Cooper!”

“What?” I shrug, swiping my finger into the last of the remaining frosting in the Kitchen Aid bowl. “My tongue knows what it likes.” I lick the frosting off my finger with a smirk. “And what you like.” My pretty girl rolls her eyes, and I can’t help but chuckle. Fuck, I love her.

Grabbing the freshly frosted cupcake she holds out for me, I kiss her lips again before taking a bite. She stares at me, expectantly, but it’s not for praise on the treat.

I chuckle, finally holding out my gift wrapped in brown paper–like always.

“Is this what you want?” I grin, waving it in the air then moving it behind my back and demanding another kiss before handing it over.

She rips open the wrapping, not even bothering to check out the cover before flipping to the back page to read the words I’ve written. A photo slips from between the pages and onto the tile floor, but she ignores it.

The year we lived out our dream.

Her eyes scan over my writing a few more times before she bends to pick up the picture. It’s a picture of an open field, surrounded by trees. Our pink and blue plastic tubing chairs sit in the corner of the frame.

“What is this?”

“A piece of land.”

She stares flatly, her expression saying no shit without needing words. “Whose land?”

“Ours.” Her eyes widen. “But only if you love it. I didn’t sign the contract yet. It’s contingent on you wanting it too.”

She nods, tears welling in her eyes. “Thank you, Cooper.”

“You’re welcome. We can go see it tomorrow.”

“I bet it’s perfect.” She reaches for my hand, transferring her excitement to me as she squeezes it. “This is definitely going to be the best year yet.”

“I couldn’t agree more.” I kiss her as an excuse to step closer. “Now, what do you want to do before your graduation party tonight?”

“Actually, I have something to do. The last item on my bucket list. How mad would you be if I just left you and my parents to set up the party? I already helped Mom make all the food yesterday.”

“I thought you quit the list?”

“I did. Well, I crossed out all the things I didn’t feel like aligned with who I want to be. But there were a few I still wanted to try. And there’s only one left.”

“Which one?” It’s been so long since I’ve seen it, I don’t remember what’s on it anymore.

“You’ll see soon. I’ll be back in like five hours.”