It’s frustrating as fuck things have to be this way with him. Why can’t he let this go and accept we’re right together? “Actually, it is,” I snap back. “We’re done letting your opinions sway us into something that has only hurt us. You are the one creating the pain you’re trying to prevent. If you can’t see that then I don’t know what to tell you, but you’re the one who needs to grow up.” Pulling Sophie close to me, she wraps her arm around my waist as I lead her down the street to my car, ignoring the words Jack yells after us. She’s rambling about how angry she is the entire way, but it’s not clear what she’s saying. Wanting to forget about her dad, I don’t ask her to repeat herself as I open the door to my 4Runner, the overhead lights casting a glow over her body as I slide her into the passenger seat. When she’s sitting, I buckle her in. As it clicks into place, her hand falls to my bicep.

“Someday, he’ll remember how much he loves you, Coop.” She says the words like I’m worried. It would be nice if Jack could see the light, but I don’t give a fuck what he thinks anymore. For Sophie’s sake, I do hope he comes around eventually.

“Either way, you always have me.”

“Thanks, Coop. After you feed me pizza, let’s just talk, okay? God, you smell good.”

My teeth sink into my lip, biting back a grin. She’s so fucking pretty. The elastic has somehow disappeared and her blonde curls have almost completely fallen. She’s got a light pink gloss on her lips like she somehow thought to reapply even though she’s trashed. I bet it tastes like cotton candy. Her lashes are dark and wispy, making her eyes stand out against her lightly freckled skin. For some reason, our first date flashes through my mind.

“Sounds perfect, Soph.” I shut the door before walking around the front of my car and sliding onto the driver’s seat. By the time we make it home, Sophie is sleeping, leaning against the car window. I sit and watch her for a few minutes, so thankful her choosing me this time feels like she means it.

I scoop her up in my arms, and she stirs, although she doesn’t open her eyes. Her arms ring around my neck and she nuzzles her head into my chest, her body temperature way hotter than normal. I manage to unlock my front door using the hand from the arm wrapped around Sophie’s back then softly close it with my foot once we’re through. I walk her down the hallway to my room and she grumbles as I put her on her feet, and immediately leans into me for support. Trying to keep her upright, I awkwardly pull her toothbrush from the drawer, help her brush her teeth, and force her to drink a glass of water.

Back in my room, I pull down the comforter and she crawls under it, laying her on her side on the navy sheets. She immediately folds her hands under her head, her eyes closed. I pull the comforter over her shoulder and kneel on the ground next to her. In a sundress she’s had forever, and nearly asleep with her fallen curls draped across the pillow make her a vision I recognize easily–like watching a movie scene you’ve seen a hundred times. I tuck the stray strands of hair on her face behind her ear. “Get some sleep, Sophie.” I make a move to join her on my side of the bed.

“Wait,” her soft voice brings me back to her level.

“What’s up? Do you want more water?”

“No.” I’m close enough that I can smell the tequila that's somehow still on her breath as she sighs. It mixes with the same sweet flowery body spray she's always worn, and I’m pulled closer to her like she has a magnetic field. I can’t believe I ever let her get away. Her eyes remained closed, but I can tell she’s about to continue her thought. “Cooper?”


“I thought we were going to talk.”

I try not to laugh. “We can talk tomorrow.”

“I want to talk now.” Her voice stomps out the words like a child throwing a temper tantrum in the grocery store.

She seems to have sobered up enough to maybe have a conversation, although there’s no guarantee she’ll remember it. “Okay, hold on.” I take my shoes, shirt and joggers off, sliding into bed next to her. She turns to face me but keeps her hands curled under her face like a pillow.

“You punched JT,” she whispers.

“That guy is like a cockroach that needs to be sprayed with Raid. He deserved it.” I rest my hand on her waist, rubbing my thumb softly against her hip to counteract the hostility of my words.

“He really did.” A few tears travel the short distance from the side of her eye to her pillow.

“Why are you crying?” I swipe a tear off her cheek, leaving my hand locked on her neck. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. I know you hate the miscommunication thing and that we’ve disagreed in the past on whether or not what I do is protecting you. But I couldn’t not punch him. I’m glad you didn’t hear the shit he was saying.”

She sighs. “I’m not mad. If I knew how to punch, I probably would have done the same tonight.” A quiet laugh bursts from her lips. “Jess said you totally took him down. I wish I could have seen it.”

“Ethan helped. I got a couple of good swings in, though. The best part was none of his friends came to his defense.”

“I’m glad you’re in my corner.”


“Okay.” She smiles, biting into her lip. “Is it time for you to hold me now?”

“Come here.” I chuckle, reaching my arm out. She rolls into me, her head nuzzling into my chest.

When she’s perfectly in place, her hand falls to my chest, drawing soft circles against my skin. “Can we keep talking?”

“Sure. What do you want to talk about?”

“I don’t know. Ask me something.”

I hum against her hair before kissing the top of her head. “What do you want our life to look like?”