The unshed tears are burning behind my eyes, and my throat hurts as I hold in the scream that wants to let loose. I can’t be here anymore.
“I need to go,” I say roughly to Ian, gathering my things as the band starts into their set again. I grab my purse and laptop, and wave goodbye to the girls. “I’ll keep up with our group chat on the new dates, okay?” I say to Ian, not waiting for his response.
I push through the door and hurry to my car, on the brink of losing it. Somehow, I make it behind the wheel before the tears break free. And once they start, I don’t think they’ll ever stop.
I hate myself for letting this happen. I knew better than to get involved with someone like Brad. I knew his history. I knew his reputation, and yet somehow, I thought he’d change for me? I’m that special that I can change someone’s innate way of being? Please. I’m not special at all. Brad’s proven that hasn’t he?
Alarm bells were going off in my head, and I just started dancing along, ignoring their dire warning to pay attention. To run away. To do the right thing and protect myself.
Well, I get it now. Too late, but I get it.
The damage, however, is already done.
When Tess leaves in a hurry after we start back into our set, I wonder what the rush is about, but nobody seems too phased by it. And when Ian tells us that we’re adding dates to the tour, it kind of makes sense why she would make a quick exit. She’s probably on her way to Blackmore to meet with Eliza to go over the media plan for everything.
However, by the end of rehearsal, I get the distinct feeling that something is off with everyone. Practice went fine, but it’s almost like everyone is avoiding me, or mad at me, and I have no idea why.
“So, what’s up with everyone?” I finally ask, as Ian leaves with his daughters. Charlie’s in the corner cleaning up, so she’s out of earshot if there is a problem I need to deal with. “Why is there a stick up everyone’s ass all of a sudden?”
Stefan eyes me with a shrug as he winds up a cord. “Nothing, man. Just same old, same old.”
Emmett and Dakota regard him briefly, then seem to accept his answer as their own, going back to what they were doing. Apparently, there is nothing wrong, and it’s all in my head. With the new dates added, and ticket sales going so well, I’d expect at least a little more enthusiasm from these guys. That alone makes me wonder if Stefan is telling the truth.
I study everyone again, looking for whatever it is that I’m obviously missing, but Charlie comes running up behind me and hugs my leg.
“Can we go now Daddy?” she asks, turning her face up to me, her innocent eyes wide. I know spending so much time here wasn’t her idea of fun when she chose to stay with me. If Hayley and June weren’t here to keep her company all the time, she’d be regretting her choice.
“Sure thing,” I say, ruffling her curls. I grab her hand to leave and turn back to the guys. “Catch you all tomorrow.”
They all wave and mumble their goodbyes, mostly to Charlie than to me. That’s fine. I don’t need the niceties, and Charlie beams at them as she flounces next to me, her newly crafted butterfly wings flapping behind her. They really are beautiful, but they’ve taken a beating this afternoon with all of her running around and are looking a little worse for wear. She sure loves hard.
Just like her dad.
In the car on the way home, the questions start. And they don’t stop.
“Can we have dinner with Tess tonight?”
“Probably not tonight. Tess is pretty busy with our upcoming tour, babe.”
“What about tomorrow night? Will she be busy then?”
“Maybe. We’ll have to ask her.”
“Can you call her now and ask?”
“No. I’m driving.”
“But you always talk to people when you drive.”
“Only if they call me and it’s important.”
“Isn’t dinner with Tess important?”