Page 141 of Cast in Conflict

I believe, he said, with care, that it is something that Emmerian desires, yes. Even if I am mistaken, it’s something Karriamis believes he desires.

Emmerian doesn’t want to be captain of his stupid Tower!

No. But Karriamis was a Dragon, and possibly still considers himself one.

“I do.”

He understands he has very few Dragons to work with, but... I think he’s attempting to ascertain if Emmerian is the right father for the children on which the race depends.

But—but—that’s not up to him!

Severn said nothing.

It’s not. She tightened her grip on the Avatar’s hand. “It doesn’t matter what you think is best—the decision is Bellusdeo’s.”

“I can remove him from consideration.”

“Not even you would be that stupidly arrogant.”

She could hear Severn inhale; could almost feel it.

“Is that what you believe, Chosen?”

He had stopped moving, or rather, stopped leading; he did not let go of her hand. But the marks on her arms failed to light up, failed to move; there were no clues to be gleaned from their behavior. “If you think it’s your decision, yes. That’s exactly what I believe.”

“They are young.”

“Emmerian’s not young. And Bellusdeo is almost as old as the chancellor. If by young, you mean, they don’t agree with how you think they should be living their lives, then yes. But so am I.”

“She wants something from me that you do not want.”

“After this? I’m pretty damn sure I’ll never want anything from you.”

“Be that as it may. And I have something to offer her.”

“You screw around with Emmerian and nothing on earth is going to persuade her to take it.”

A slow, soft light began to lessen the darkness. “You are certain?”

Something in his tone caused Kaylin to shut her mouth. She knew he could hear what she was thinking—and she knew most of it would possibly get her fired; it would certainly get her busted back down to permanent private, because in theory she was working, and the office had standards of behavior that personal life didn’t.

Was she certain?

Probably not. Part of Bellusdeo would never be separate from the war that had destroyed the life she’d built. “If you hurt him in any way,” she finally said, “she won’t negotiate. She has other ways of fighting this war. She doesn’t need you.”

“And if I told you that my primary concern is not, in fact, this war—as you call it—at all?”

Kaylin folded her arms. “I’m not the person who’s going to be making any decisions here. This is between you and Bellusdeo.”

“And you would advise her?”

To run screaming, but there was no chance that the gold Dragon would do any such thing. Kaylin was angry, and trying very hard not to be. “I wouldn’t dare unless she asked my opinion. She is never going to ask my opinion about this. Where is Emmerian?”

“Here,” the Tower replied. “Can you not hear him?”

She couldn’t. She couldn’t see him either. The light that had grown wasn’t so much light as...glowing fog; it rose steadily, but fog wasn’t generally great at revealing anything.

“What do you want from her?” Kaylin asked.