Page 142 of Cast in Conflict

“Did you not just say that was none of your business?”


He chuckled. “We will be family, she and I, should we reach an understanding. But I am not Helen, and in the end, more than she and I would dwell here. I am sentinel against Ravellon; there is no stronger protection. She is likely, given her proclivities, to require that protection.

“But she cannot live here in an attempt to avoid or put off the responsibility she has to our people—the few that remain. If she is to live here, I will protect her offspring, may they be many.”

“And decide who they’re the offspring of?”

“Your grammar is atrocious. I will not argue with the conclusions you have drawn. I believe, however, you are impulsive and less observant than would be ideal. Perhaps you will grow into it in your short, mortal life.”

Can I hit him?

I don’t think he’d notice, but at this point, given everything else you’ve said, it can’t do more harm.

You’re not worried.

I’m less worried.


Severn didn’t answer.

“Very well, Chosen. It appears Lord Emmerian does not wish to be seen. I will have to leave you to find him.”

Mandoran says Bellusdeo’s coming. Sedarias tried to stop her.

Kaylin groaned. Did Mandoran say the rest of the cohort is staying at home?

Severn didn’t answer.

“I consider that a very positive sign,” Karriamis said. “I understand that you consider it a disaster. It will be interesting to see which of us is proven correct.”

He wouldn’t be hurt in either case.

“Ah, Chosen. You are young. And you are wrong. But I must leave you now.” He turned back. “That boy missed his calling in life.”

It took her a moment—well, several—to realize that that boy referred not to Severn but to Emmerian himself.

“You are all young to me, but perhaps that is a product of my age; I see clearly if I focus, but I often fail to examine things that are neither of concern nor interest until it is perhaps too late.”

They’re all coming, aren’t they?

Mandoran said Teela told them all to mind their own damn business, but with more colorful phrasing.

So... Teela’s not coming.

He didn’t say that. Have you found Emmerian?

She shook her head. Still looking. Is Mandoran still with you?

Yes. His tone implied worry. Kaylin was fine with this; it would keep Karriamis occupied. Not that that was necessarily a good thing; she remembered angry Emmerian wading into an argument in her own home. It had been the first time she’d had any hint that the Dragon lord had a temper.

But everything Dragons did was larger than life. She reminded herself of this as she stared into fog. The marks on her arms remained flat and lightless.

She turned up the sleeve that covered her lower left arm. Closed her eyes. In theory, that should have made visibility worse, but the marks had never relied on sensible theory or she wouldn’t even have them. With her eyes closed she could see the faint luminescence of the runic shapes. They were a glowing gray, similar in some fashion to the light emitted by the fog.

Ugh. She could see the fog clearly with her eyes closed. She wondered if this fog was similar to the fog that comprised the unrestricted outlands.