He smiled. “You have perhaps come here in search of Lord Emmerian. No, do not let go of my hand. I do not consider it safe for you.”
“And you’re worried about my safety.” She rolled her eyes.
“In spite of your cynicism—and I will admit that there is possible reason for it—yes.”
“Where are you taking me?”
“I am taking you to where Lord Emmerian is currently contained.”
“You will understand why when we arrive.”
Don’t panic. You’ll just set me off.
I won’t—you’re worried about Emmerian. I’m worried about you.
If he meant to kill or hurt me, I’d be dead. We both know that.
Mandoran’s not as sure.
Tell him to stay where he is. Add “please” if it looks like he’s wavering.
She felt Severn’s amusement. Beneath it, she felt his worry. He wasn’t angry yet.
“I am afraid that at this moment I am not capable of reaching Emmerian; I believe you can.”
Bellusdeo could.
“Ah, no. At this moment I do not believe that would be in his best interests.”
“His? Or hers?”
“Either. You understand what her duties are.”
Kaylin stiffened.
“Perhaps you are too young to understand and accept them. But she does. And so does Emmerian. Tell me, do you think he would make a good partner for Bellusdeo?”
“It’s not up to me.” Why is he asking me this?
She felt Severn’s reluctance. Clearly, this was both personal and emotional—and it wasn’t his to talk about.
I really think I need to know, given where he’s said we’re going.
Bellusdeo needs to have babies if the Dragon race is to survive. Sooner is better than later, because if she dies the possibility is lost.
Yes, I know that.
She therefore needs to choose a partner with whom to have those children.
Wait, you think it’s Emmerian? Like, Emmerian, who’s mostly almost invisible?