yeah, things are fine
what’d ya do today?
J came out for another visit. it was fine
he was nice and played with them in the front yard and held the baby, honestly? It was weird.
he’s on his best behavior
he did ask who you were because the boys couldn’t stop talking about you
my dad told him you were an old family friend. Then the boys told him how nice you were taking them to the fair, playing ball with them
asshat knew who I was, he came to see me last week
oh no! Richie I’m sorry
don’t be
so you wanna tell me why you’re only fine?
There’s no response for twenty minutes and then a string of messages rolled in.
he changed his status on Facebook and posted a bunch of pictures with a new girl after giving me hell over and over and over and over again about us getting back together and then he bitched me out about you
and then kept right on going because you’ve been more of a dad than he’s been this whole time to his children. He never wanted to go to the fair. He never wanted to be home. He never wanted to be involved.
I would leave to grocery shop and he’d start calling me 30 min after I left because the kids were getting on his nerves. He didn’t want to keep a job. He didn’t want to find better housing. AND NOW with the new girl, he’s doing all that.
what’s wrong with me? Why her? Why now?
I gave it a few minutes to make sure she’s done before I respond.
Ever think maybe it’s not you? Maybe he wasn’t good enough for you and this is all an act? It’s easy to leave and find someone new when you’re not invested. I bet she lets him do whatever he wants and she goes along with whatever he wants.
and that’s what he wants. He doesn’t want to be tied down or told how his so-called money is spent. He isn’t worthy of you.
or those kids
My phone rang, and I knew it was her. “Yes?”
“Oh, my god. Did he really show up at your shop?”
“He did.”
“Did you really call the cops on him?”
I busted out laughing. “No. I messaged Jeremy and then called him. He played along.”
“Really?” She laughed with me.
“Really. He doesn’t scare me, and I’ll be damned if I’ll let him disrupt or hurt you and them kids ever again.”
“Why are you being so nice?” her voice trembled, and I wished I was there to hold her.