“It’s not too late for me to make a quick trip to Doncaster.”
Liam was approaching when they arrived, and they couldn’t resist going to him and taking him into their arms. The need for touch was never anything they desired but with Liam it was as necessary as breathing. He was worried and that made them worry.
“Do you know what it is about?” Luke asked.
"He said it was regarding the Earl of Doncaster, so it probably isn't anything good." Riall hated seeing his mate upset, and he equally hated not being able to do anything about it. Luke cut a glance over at Riall, and they thought the same thing. They would do whatever they had to in order to protect their mate.
Liam knocked on the door and they were summoned inside. He and Riall followed and stood beside him but one step back. Master DuCane stood in the middle of the room with two men standing with him one was his second, Ismael and the other was introduced as Lead security commander and Ismael’s son, Silas. The situation was serious.
"Francis Doncaster Montagu-Scott has invoked the right of Bellam." It was a vampire ritual, but the ravens had heard of it. Dread filled them at the thought of their sweet, handsome mate being involved in such a brutal, ancient form of settling a grievance. Plans for the death of Doncaster instantly filled their minds, and they stepped up to shield their mate on either side. The threat was not present, but the air of danger was there, and they would not leave his side. It was Silas who first spoke, and his shock was evident.
"No fucking way are we sending Chef Reid into the Bellam Chamber with a bloodthirsty killer." He knew what he was talking about since Silas was the first in two hundred years to fight in the chamber defending his beloved. "No, you can't allow this. Let me take his place." He offered, but Liam was shaking his head.
"This is my fight," Liam stated.
"Every man in my service has offered themselves in your place, Liam." Master DuCane told him. "If it were allowed, I would do it myself."
“Thank you . . . all, but I have to do this. I knew this day would come.” Liam was emotionless, standing tall, and stoic focused on what needed to be. As a soldier himself, Riall could sense the man shifting to battle ready. Their mate was becoming Sir Liam Percy.
“When is this to be completed and what does it entail?” Riall asked the questions that everyone already knew but he and Luke needed answers. The Bellam challenge was legendary, but he had never attended one or heard anything about it apart from it being a massive fight to the death.
“The Earl will arrive tonight, and the challenge will take place tomorrow afternoon in the Bellam Chamber in the sub-basement. One weapon is allowed in the chamber, which is either a knife or a sword. Each participant will be dressed in chamber garb, which consists of leather breeches and nothing else. Liam is allowed one person as his second to stand outside the chamber, attend to his needs, and observe that the rules are followed. The Earl has listed his lead enforcer as he second." Master DuCane was clear and concise, making sure they understood.
"I offer myself as your second Liam. I am quite familiar with the ritual challenge and will provide you support and backup." Ismael made the offer, and Liam accepted. Neither Luke nor Riall took offense, understanding that familiarity with the challenge was necessary.
“May we be present?” Riall continued his questions.
"Yes." In that instance, they began formulating their plan to finish this guy before he had a chance to lay a hand on their mate. Riall made the mistake of glancing over at Master DuCane, and his expression made it clear he was aware of the direction of their thoughts. It didn't matter; they would do what they had to do to keep Liam safe.
Liam worried about his two beloveds. They were men used to taking care of problems, and they most certainly saw the Earl as a problem. They went back to Liam's room and had a very long talk. He understood completely what they were feeling, and if he were in their shoes, he'd want to take action as well. He worked to convince them that this was too old, too important to his sense of self, and his promise to Arthur to just let someone else take care of it for him.
“This is my fight and I have to finish it.” He sat on the sofa and Riall and Luke sat in chairs opposite him drilling him for permission to take over to make this all go away. He believed them when they said it would be finished before dawn if he just let them take over.
"Let us take care of you, Liam." Riall pleaded. "We can't lose you."
"I joined the Earl's army, and Arthur followed me. I thought it was good, honest work for a soldier and thought the Earl to be a decent man. Arthur believed me when I told him the Earl was building a legacy for his people, and the battles we fought on his behalf were for the betterment of many.” The brothers moved to sit on either side of him on the sofa and placed their arms around him.
"I promised to take care of him, and all I did was get him killed. He was slashed and run through the heart by one of his fellow knights and left to die. I killed that man on the spot and swore to end the life of the man who sent us on such a dishonorable journey." He dropped his head and stared at his hands for a few seconds. He remembered the level of rage that was pumping through his veins as he rode to the castle.
“I have no regrets except where you two are concerned. I’m glad I killed him, and I have no qualms about killing the current Earl of Doncaster. Francis was no better than his father, and his dark deeds were well known. The world will not suffer for his loss." He turned to them one at a time as he continued to speak.
"I do regret putting you two in such a position. I regret that I may not get to enjoy the years we should have had together. I don't know what tomorrow will bring, but I am not without abilities. I will fight with all that I have and all that I am to come back to you, but I need you to let me do this myself for my honor and my dignity." He kissed them each on the lips and then sat back on the cushions as they lay on his shoulders.
"I love you, Riall, and I love you, Luke. You are the finest thing to ever enter my life. Please understand." He urged them to hear and to empathize. They held him and rained kisses across his face and throat and loosened his shirt in order to touch and taste, soothing their raging fear and soothing Liam's sadness. "You're all I'll ever need." Liam moaned into Luke's exploring mouth.
“You’re all we’ll ever want.” They said together and quickly opened Liam’s shirt and the waist of his pants. Liam was finding intimacy with his beloveds something he craved and ached for and wondered how he’d lived for centuries without it without knowing these two amazing men.
Riall took Liam's lips in a kiss that was scorching, and Luke was going after Liam's hard cock with both hands. This was exactly what he needed at this moment. Liam returned Riall's kiss, going deep and exploring the warm, wet recesses of Riall's mouth. The man was delicious.
He felt Luke’s skilled hands and sensuous mouth on his hard, pulsating cock. The thoughts running through his mind quickly shifted from weapons and technique to love and satisfaction. His beloveds were indeed everything he needed in this life. He closed his eyes and fell into the sensations swamping him quickly, bringing him to the brink.
He continued to eat at Riall's lovely mouth, and Luke continued to pleasure him in ways he hadn't dreamed of. Riall trailed kisses down his throat and across his shoulder just as Luke took him down his throat with a pressure that he could not withstand. He came filling Luke's hungry mouth and groaning out in tense pants, his own satisfaction, feeling the fulfillment and passion only possible with his two perfect lovers.
"Do you feel better, my love?" Riall asked.
“I feel amazing.”