"Good, relax," Luke interjected after licking him clean and kissing a trail up his chest to his ear. "Close your eyes, Liam, and relax." Riall placed his wrist at Liam's mouth, urging him to taste.
“Feed from us, you will need it.” He said and Liam latched on and drank deeply. When finished Luke did the same thing and Liam drank from his as well. “Now sleep and gather your strength.”
They laid together on the sofa silently because they knew their mate needed time to clear his mind and focus. If this were truly going to happen then Liam needed to prepare himself. Luke and Riall clasped hands and held their mate channeling every ounce of strength they could to him.
The Earl arrived at the outer gates just after midnight, and he was taken along with his entourage to one of the larger guest houses on the edge of the east garden. It was an area easily guarded. Master DuCane did not trust him or the men he brought with him, but protocol dictated that he be given accommodations and treated according to his station.
"Easton checked out the men he brought with him, and half of them, four of the eight he brought, are not members of his coven but rather hired mercenaries." That caught Louis’ attention and brought a smile to his face.
“Really.” He stated with emphasis. “Is it for simple fear of his surroundings or is there a hidden motivation?”
"He obviously doesn't trust his own men, or they don't possess the skill level he requires for this trip." Ismael speculated. "Ira told me he was not afraid but rather boastful and proud and looking forward to killing our cook, as he put it."
"I read the report Easton prepared on Liam, and it matches Liam's explanation, not that I doubted him," Louis commented. "I find his actions at the time to be warranted. He called him out, stated his grievance, and met him face to face. I know no one who would have done differently."
"Are you asking why the current Earl is so dead set on killing Liam?" Ismael asked, and Louis nodded.
"Liam's actions brought scrutiny down on them. Their acts of brutality and bloodthirstiness and the fact that they were traitors to the king were brought to light, and restitution was taken. Francis suffered a severe loss of assets, money, property, and position, and he has never recovered."
"He thinks by killing Liam, he can place blame and improve his standing in the vampire world." Louis scoffed.
“I believe that’s the plan.”
"Put extra surveillance on the Earl and his staff. If any step out of line, put an end to it immediately and make it memorable," Ismael chuckled and then shifted the subject.
“What do you think are Liam’s chances of winning this battle?” He asked suddenly solemn.
"There is more to Liam than meets the eye. He has the training, so it's all a matter of calling it forth. We will see.” Louis was hopeful.
"If god forbid, something were to happen to Liam at the hands of that vampire, what would be the attitude of Lord Fenrah, considering Luke and Riall are two of his right-hand men." Ismael broached the subject of the bond.
“I believe Lord Fenrah would be the least of our problems. I worry more about the actions of Luke and Riall Lightfoot. We have danced around this because we love Liam and trust Fate, but those two men are hard-core killers. If Liam dies, I don't give much for Francis Doncaster's life expectancy or that of any of his people. I just hope that they don't kill him here on DuCane property." Ismael agreed to that.
Liam showered and dressed and prepared to leave for the Bellam Chamber at two. He needed time to meet with Ismael and get prepared for the challenge there were many rituals he had to adhere to. His beloveds sat and watched him with looks that were inscrutable they weren’t giving anything away.
When he was ready to leave Luke stood and pulled him into a kiss that demanded and promised in equal measures. “We will see you at the challenge and if you need us just reach out.”
“I will.” He was getting choked up; he had never felt so much for another being. He loved these men beyond comprehension. Riall stepped up and took his lips in an equally possessive manner. Liam was left feeling marked and claimed.
“I love you both so much. You’ve become my world in this short time we’ve had together.” Liam wrapped his arms around them and pulled them close.
“We love you too.” Luke spoke for both of them. “Go prepare yourself and we will see you soon.”
"I will hold you in my heart." He said, released them, and walked away. It was the hardest thing he'd ever experienced since losing his brother on the battlefield.
Luke and Riall watched him leave barely containing their need to stop him and spirit him away from danger. “Let’s check out the Earl.” Riall stated, and they walked out onto the balcony. They shifted into two large ravens and flew away to the guest house on the edge of the east garden. The sun had not yet risen but the house was wide awake with activity.
When they arrived, they split up. Riall went to the terrace in the back, where several guards were seated, and Luke flew to the open window on the second floor. He stepped inside and moved to conceal himself among the décor.
"I'll be arriving at the Bellam Chamber in an hour. It's located in the central sub-basement, which has access through the underground garage." Francis was speaking with one of his men seated next to him on the terrace. Two others sat across from him and did not appear to be listening to the exchange. They were watching the DuCane guards.
"I trust you will be in a position to take care of any problems." His insinuations were obvious. The man nodded and left the terrace. Once he was out of sight, Riall shifted and followed him. He wasn't going to make it to the basement.
They continued to observe and deal with the threats as they presented themselves. They did not harm or approach the Earl they were simply making sure the challenge was conducted fairly.
“It’s time Marsten.” Francis announced and grabbed his sword and his daggers and headed for the Palace. Marsten followed several steps behind. “As my second it is important that you stay close and attend to me constantly.” He barked at the man.
“Yes, sir.” He responded. Luke and Riall followed the two to the Palace and fell back when they entered the elevator that would take them to the basement.