"I assumed that you were more than simple soldiers," Liam told them. "Your manners and conduct speak to a structured military upbringing and specialized training."

“We are none of us innocent in life, but we have done what was ordered or deemed necessary. You and your brother were betrayed, and you acted in a way that was befitting to the crime the Earl committed. You did nothing wrong, and we will defend you against all enemies." Riall was clearly making plans. "Luke and I have spoken, and we will find this man, this Earl, who threatens you, and we will dispatch him."

“No, you can’t do that.” Liam jumped to intervene. “I have to handle this myself I can’t have you fighting my battles especially not this one.” They understood but they were neither of them pleased.

“You are not battle ready my love and we will not take the risk of losing you.” Riall turned to him and got deadly serious. “Our skills are sharp, and we are trained for this. If this goes badly, you could die please do not face this guy alone."

"I understand your concern, and I don't wish to worry either of you, but I must handle this myself. I can't have you killing all my enemies." Liam smiled, but there was sadness there. He wished that he could just spend the next few days getting to know his beloveds and letting them get to know him, but instead, the Earl of Doncaster managed to insert himself into his life once again after nearly four hundred years.

“We will agree to disagree for now.” Luke stated as it was clear neither he nor Riall were satisfied but recognized Liam’s need to handle it himself. “Perhaps we have heard the last of the Earl.” Even as he said it, Liam did not believe it to be true. He felt the rising tide of retribution coming his way.

The Earl received Louis DuCane’s response, and he was livid. “How dare he deny me the retribution owed. Sir Percy will feel the tip of my sword and he will die knowing that the Doncasters never forget.” He slammed around the room kicking furniture and tossing things against the walls until he turned on his assistant and began beating the man with a fireplace poker.

He only stopped when one of his staff rushed into the room and gave him an idea. "You live by the old ways, so why not fight by the old ways." He suggested. "DuCane cannot deny you if you call Bellam. He cannot protect the murderer of your father, and he cannot allow him to escape. The law demands follow-through for both parties. It will have to be you and Sir Percy in the Bellam Chamber and a fight to the death.” The Earl’s eyes lit up with the promise of blood and death.

He kicked his assistant away, leaving him writhing on the floor, and walked over to his desk to find the proper way to send a Bellam challenge. "Do you want someone to assist you, my Lord?"

"No, get out, leave me alone, and take that useless boy with you." The man bent down and scooped the young man up in his arms and carried him from the room. The Earl was deep in thought and salivating at the thought of finally killing Sir Liam Percy.

Liam left his beloveds for a couple of hours in order to visit the kitchen and make sure everything was on schedule and orders were made. He had been given time off, but the kitchen was his responsibility, and he did not want to let anyone down not his staff, the membership or his suppliers. Luke and Riall remained in the garden but told Liam they would meet him back in his quarters.

Everyone was kind and supportive, wishing him well and pushing him to leave the work to them and enjoy his time with his beloveds. Once the kitchen was secured, he told them he would be able to relax. He finished with the kitchen and went to do a walk-through of the dining room, where he met Easton, having a coffee and a donut. "Liam, over here." He called to him. Liam came over and took a seat across from him, and one of the servers brought Liam a cup of coffee with cream, just as he liked it.

“Thank you, Jena.” He said and she congratulated him on finding his beloveds before she returned to her work.

"Two, Liam!" Easton exclaimed and smiled broadly with a teasing glint in his eyes. "Can you handle two young ravens? I hear they are gorgeous and a little bit deadly."

"You hear correctly, but they are only deadly to those who deserve it." Liam defended his two loves.

“So, what are your plans.” He asked curiously. "Are you going to petition to have them join Coven DuCane, or are you going to move in with the flock?

“We haven’t discussed living arrangements yet.”

"I did a background check on them for the Master. If you're interested, I'll send it to you." Easton knew the answer already, but he asked anyway.

"They've shared most things with me already, and I'd prefer to learn at their pace, but thank you for the offer."

“They’re okay hard and thorough and soldiers to the bone but they’re okay and that’s all I’ll say.” He smiled and drank his coffee. “They will be good for you Liam.”

“I know, I am blessed.” They talked for a while longer and then Liam excused himself and headed for the back kitchen. Before he reached the back room he received a summons from Master DuCane to come to his office as soon as possible. This was it whatever Francis was planning this was the beginning.

He put in a call to Luke and Riall and asked them to meet him at the Master's office. He didn't go into detail. They would understand and know what it was about. He wanted to put this behind him and get on with his life.

Riall was silent and brooding, missing his mate. He was irritated at the bastards that were making Liam stressed. He wanted to take care of the problem the way they always took care of problems like this, but Liam said no and Luke said no so here he was waiting to do nothing.

"I could be to Doncaster and back before Liam ever knew I was gone," Riall suggested once they made their way back to Liam's quarters. They sat in the living room enjoying the sunshine and a glass of wine as they waited for their mate to join them.

"We can't go against his wishes like that. I want to deal with that piece of shit too, but we can't disregard what Liam has asked." Luke was frustrated, but he wasn't ready to act . . . yet. "Let's see how this plays out, and then we will make a decision."

"I'm not making any promises," Riall admitted. "If danger presents itself, I will snuff it out regardless of permission." Luke nodded. "I am not losing my mate, and I don't care how many people I have to kill."

"We will do what we have to." Luke agreed. "We will work in the best interests of our mate, and the rest of the world be damned."

“Now you’re talking.” Riall was glad his brother was seeing things his way. Luke then received a message from Liam asking them to meet him at Master DuCane’s office.

"It's going down whatever it is," Riall predicted as they rushed out the door.

“I can feel Liam’s tension and upset and I don’t like it.” Luke shared and Riall was feeling the same emotions from their mate.