"No," I concede. "He's not Jon."

"Can I give you some advice?" Loren's serious tone gives me pause.


"You must sit down with Jon and let him tell you exactly what happened with Jimmy."

"Loren, you too?!"

"If it weren't important, I wouldn't be mentioning it."

"I know all I need to know. Jimmy drowned. He didn't exit the water vehicle in time, and it sank to the bottom of the ocean, taking him with it."

"Oh, Honey."

I reach for the tissue box and find it empty.

"Here, let me go get another one."

"No," I say. "I'm okay. No more tears."

Loren gives my hand a little squeeze. I can smell her perfume—it smells like jasmine and rose. I reach for her and hug her tight.

"Thank you for dinner and for letting me cry. I feel much better. I should probably go before Jon returns. Plus, I still have to call Mom, Betty, and Jimmy's parents."

"Do Jimmy's parents know you work for Jon's parents?"

"No. I haven't mentioned the connection between Jon and Jimmy. Why?"

"I was just wondering. Will you tell them?"

Her question surprises me.

"Should I? Is there a reason why I should mention it?"

"Sharon, please talk to Jon."

"Okay, Loren. I'll talk to Jon, but first, he has to be talking to me again."


Walking back to the house, Loren's persistence that I talk to Jon about Jimmy gnaws at me. I file it in the back of my mind to revisit it later.

"Sharon, we're so glad you called," Mrs. Bowman's voice at the other end is so comforting, I could cry again.

"I'm sorry I didn't call on Saturday. The Linders went to New York for the weekend, and I tagged along."

"Linders?" The word comes out almost like a whisper.

"Yes," I say. "David and Elizabeth Linder. They're Noah's parents. My employers."

My heart sinks when I'm met with silence.

"Mrs. Bowman, are you still there?"

"Jimmy's friend was Jonathan Linder. It can't be the same family, can it?"

I can hear the trembling in her voice.