"Mrs. Bowman, are you okay?"
"Sharon, is this the first time you have mentioned the names of the people you work for?"
Why does this feel like a test I must pass?
"Well," I begin, my mouth going dry. "I talked about Noah. He's the boy I watch. But no, I never mentioned his last name."
I can't see her, but I can feel the tension building at the other end of the line.
"You didn't think mentioning you work for the Linders was important?" Her words sound like a reproach more than a question.
"Mrs. Bowman, Iā."
"Answer my question." She's angry.
"It never came up," I say honestly. "We were all dealing with the holidays without Jimmy, the insurance claim, and then my graduation. What is going on, Mrs. Bowman?"
"You're right," she says, softening her tone. "I'm sorry."
"Mrs. Bowman, in answer to your question, the Linders are Jonathan's parents."
The silence that proceeds is enough to chill me to the bone.
"Mrs. Bowman?"
"How the hell did you end up working for the Linders?ā
This is the first time I've heard Mrs. Bowman speak to me like this.
"Jimmy wrote me a letter that I received after." I'm careful with my words because I feel Mrs. Bowman is on the brink of tears. "In the letter, he told me Jon's parents were looking for a nanny for their three-year-old."
"Jon? You call him Jon? Are you two friends now?"
"Mrs. Bowman, did I do something wrong?"
"I suggest you talk to Jonathan Linder."
"Okay, but why are you angry at me?"
"I'm not," comes the answer, but I don't believe her. "Listen, thank you for the call. I'm glad you're doing well, taking trips to the big city with Jonathan Linder, of all people."
I can hear the reproach in her voice.
"Mrs. Bowman, is there something I should know?"
"If you don't know by now, it probably wouldn't matter anyway. Goodbye, Sharon."
She hangs up on me. I look at the receiver in my hand, which is now shaking. I'm in complete and utter shock, not understanding what just happened.
My conversation with Mrs. Bowman leaves me perplexed and on edge, but I call Betty anyway because she's waiting for my call.
"I'm getting married!" Betty exclaims as soon as I say hi.
"You're getting married?!"
"Anthony proposed on Saturday. We're getting married in November."
"What happened to waiting until after college?"